Diefenbooker Race
The 22nd annual Diefenbooker Race will take place on Saturday May 5, 2018. The funds raised support organizations in West Carleton that promote literacy, encourage physical activity or personal wellness. The Diefenbooker promotes community fun, as well as serious racing.
There are events for all ages including:
5 and 10 km running races,
5 km walk,
5, 18 and 33 km cycle tours, youth events, including:
a 1 km running race for 12 years old and under, a "Loonie Loop" short races for 2 to 6 yrs old.
The organizers are offering an opportunity for funds to schools that our Carp youth attend. Many of our youth go to All Saints High School. The Diefenbooker raises money to support literacy. This year we are excited to announce a new program. A trophy and cash prize of $2000. will be awarded to the school that has the largest percentage of its’ population participate in the Diefenbooker (whether it be walking, running, cycling, or volunteering)
Student Open Houses during March Break
Note the following dates for your students to explore and learn about their post-secondary options in Ottawa
March 11, 13-18 - Open House events at Carleton University
March 12, 14, 17 - Campus Tours and Open House at Algonquin College
March 13-17, 18 - Campus Tours and Open House at the University of Ottawa
Liturgical Season of Lent
From the Diocese of Ottawa: In the Catholic faith, God often uses how humans perceive the physical world to impart something spiritual. He uses the seasons of the year to ingrain divine lessons. One such season is Lent. The liturgical cycle invites you not to just read the Scriptures, but to live them. You can experience biblical history and Jesus’ earthly life through the sacraments, sacramentals, celebrations, and times of fasting.
Lent is an opportunity for transformation, inviting us to take a closer look at our own lives and make changes that bring us closer to God. Please visit the Archdiocese of Ottawa webpage for further information
Lenten Penance Services & Confession Times in Parishes
All Saints Dominican Experience
Student Fundraiser
A group of our All Saints Grade 12 students has organized a fundraiser selling locally grown Haitian coffee from Singing Rooster: a social non-profit enterprise which helps alleviate poverty in Haiti through fair trade. All proceeds from the selling of coffee will go directly to Kids Connection Haiti. This charity helps Haitian orphans transition from institutions to independent lives. All sales will take place through school cash online. Ground and Whole bean varieties are available in medium, dark and decaf. As a huge incentive, for every bag of coffee a student sells, he/she will have his or her name placed into a draw for 2 Air Canada Tickets to anywhere in North America. Students are encouraged to purchase coffee for parents, family and friends. All coffee will be delivered to students in their homeroom classroom later in March.
SAVE THE DATE: Anxiety in School-Aged Children with Dr. Jean Clinton
Both parents and teachers are expressing increased concern about the number of children exhibiting anxiety. This talk will explore what some of the causes may be and some strategies for helping.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
7:00pm - 9:00pm
St Paul High School
2675 Draper Avenue K2H 7A1
More information and registration details coming soon!
There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Check out our blog – allsaintschs.blogspot.ca and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website ash.ocsb.ca for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
March 9th - High School Letters of Progress communicated with parents
You can Book Me process for 9-12 parent/teacher interviews is open
March 10th to 18th - March Break
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