Thank you to all of our parent/guardian community for participating in our Meet the Staff evening last Thursday. The session gave us an opportunity to share our direction for the year, introduce some of our staff, and provide classroom information going forward. Our sessions for parents of grade 12 students put on by our student services department and 7&8 students supported by resource were well attended, and provided information and timelines regarding students in these grades. Thank you to our Show Choir staff supervisors for organizing our BBQ, and some of our students and Ms. MacConnell for the bake sale.
Our student services department would be happy to further discuss any of the student support options that we reviewed with parents at our evening. Please contact the school for further information.
Lead testing in water across the Ottawa Catholic School Board
Since 2007, the Ontario government has been requiring child care centres and schools to flush the plumbing in their facilities and test drinking water for lead. New amendments to Ontario regulation 243/07 took effect July 1, 2017 that require lead testing within these facilities for all designated fixtures used to provide drinking water and/or prepare food or drink for children under 18. The water at All Saints has been tested with no concern to the public. Please see additional information in the following letter.
Student Fee
At All Saints High School, we collect a student fee to augment some of the program, club and activity costs that support student involvement outside of the classroom. Our School Council manages a portion of this fee, and last year they were able to support school greening and recycling, drama activities, professional learning opportunities for staff, student leadership initiatives and many others. Our Student Council has been involved with suggestions for areas of spending, and this year, a portion will support student-led learning in the classroom. In addition, the school uses the funds for

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Anxiety in School-Aged Children - Wed. Oct. 10, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Jean Clinton
St. Paul High School: 2675 Draper Avenue
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Both parents and teachers are expressing increased concern about the number of children exhibiting anxiety. This talk will explore what some of the causes may be and some strategies for helping.
Register Now:
Link to information:
At All Saints High School, we collect a student fee to augment some of the program, club and activity costs that support student involvement outside of the classroom. Our School Council manages a portion of this fee, and last year they were able to support school greening and recycling, drama activities, professional learning opportunities for staff, student leadership initiatives and many others. Our Student Council has been involved with suggestions for areas of spending, and this year, a portion will support student-led learning in the classroom. In addition, the school uses the funds for
- school clubs
- school teams
- Academic and Athletic Awards
- Leadership Camp
- social justice initiatives
- guest speakers and school-wide presentations
Grants - Awards - Contests
Skills Canada is recognizing Canada’s Top Trade and/or Technology Teachers - Grade 9/10 and 11/12. Students can nominate their technology program teachers (national awards -$1000 cash prize for school). Deadline - October 5th.
There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Anxiety in School-Aged Children - Wed. Oct. 10, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Jean Clinton
St. Paul High School: 2675 Draper Avenue
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Both parents and teachers are expressing increased concern about the number of children exhibiting anxiety. This talk will explore what some of the causes may be and some strategies for helping.
Register Now:
Link to information:
Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!
The OCSB 2018 - 2019 School Year Calendar has been approved by the Ministry of Education! Mark your calendars now with all the important dates for next year.
Coming Up:
September 24th - School Council Meeting
October 2nd - Terry Fox Run for 7&8 Students
October 5th - PD day - Christian Community Day for staff
Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!
The OCSB 2018 - 2019 School Year Calendar has been approved by the Ministry of Education! Mark your calendars now with all the important dates for next year.
Coming Up:
September 24th - School Council Meeting
October 2nd - Terry Fox Run for 7&8 Students
October 5th - PD day - Christian Community Day for staff
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