School Council updates
At our meeting on November 20th, our All Saints School Council approved over $4000 in funding to be directed at school wide initiatives proposed by our staff. Some of the initiatives supported by the council include our Innovation and Entrepreneurial club at 7&8, our mindfulness room, instruments for our 7-9 music programs, our wellness committee, peer helpers and Impact team. These funds allow these groups to purchase resources, support activities and finance projects.
In addition to the funding work undertaken by our school council, the All Saints Safe and Accepting School Team met on November 20th as well. This group reviewed our student school climate results, school emergency procedures and our activities for Bullying awareness and prevention week. Thank you to the students and parents that came out to help support this discussion.
Lunch Procedures for 9-12 students
High school students who wish to get extra help from teachers during the lunch hour must go directly to the teacher's classroom at the beginning of the lunch hour (it is wise to bring a lunch). If students are buying their lunch, they must bring their books with them, and be in the classroom before 11:15 a.m.
After 11:15 a.m., students will not be permitted to go up to the second or third floor due to congestion issues and supervision considerations. Students who wish to go to the Learning Commons, may go directly there at the beginning of the lunch hour at 11:05 a.m. and before 11:15 a.m. Students may not go to their lockers between 11:15 a. m. -11:45 a.m. unless special circumstances apply (permission must be given by the teacher on duty). At 11:45 students can return to their lockers to get their resources for their afternoon classes.
Thank you for your cooperation with regards to these expectations.
All Ottawa Catholic Students - Password reset
On December 15th, 2017, all student passwords that have the form X (where X is a single digit) or Welcome2FL (F represents your first name initial and L represents your last name initial) will be automatically reset. Student passwords can be changed by students on their own using their password change tool, or by staff using the Student Password Change Tool. We highly recommend that the elementary student passwords are also shared with parents. Students who have a single digit password or a password of the format Welcome2FL must change their password before December 15th to avoid being locked out of their accounts. If a student is locked out of their account, a staff member will have to change the student password.
Student Immunization information
The Immunization of School Pupils Act requires that students in Ontario be vaccinated against nine diseases, or have a valid exemption. It is the responsibility of parents to report all immunizations to Ottawa Public Health, and every year OPH reviews these records to ensure that the information is up-to-date. The process is designed to prevent infectious disease outbreaks and protect the health of our students.
Please be aware of the following timelines:
1. over the past 2 weeks parents have received notices informing them of any gaps in the immunization records for their child( ren).
2. January 15, 2018: Suspension notices will be mailed to families who have not yet complied with the requirements under the legislation. At this time, schools will be sent a list of affected students.
3. February 7, 2018: Suspensions will be enforced for any remaining students whose records are still not up-to-date. OPH will fax schools a daily list of students who cannot yet return to school.
All Saints Ottawa Senators Celebration Game
To order tickets:
- Go online to (you can create an account if you don’t yet have one)
tickets will be available for purchase beginning on Wednesday, November 8th- Tickets are available for purchase until December 8th, 2017
- Order the number of tickets you would like
- Pay for the tickets online
- Pick up your tickets at the school from December 18th to 20th from 4:00 to 6:00pm in the All
- Saints atrium (for additional pick up information, please email Michele D’Addona at
There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Check out our blog – allsaintschs . blogspot . ca and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website ash. ocsb . ca for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
December 20th: School Play at Centrepoint theatre
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