PD Day Activity: Session on Transferable Skills
The sessions were recorded and will be made available for parents to review as part of the work of School Council. Thank you to our staff organizers for connecting with partners in the community and structuring our carousel and Q and A session.
This past week we organized our grade 12 student retreat at the Kinburn Community Centre. The day began with an opening liturgy and meditation, some outdoor activities, and a keynote address by Jay Williams, the chaplain at Holy Trinity high school. The day also included music, lunch and some additional outdoor fun. Thank you to our school organizers and the students for their participation.
Grade 9 Amazing Race
Our grade 9 students participated in the “Grade 9 Amazing Race” activity at All Saints last week. Students dressed in spirited themes and gathered for a pep rally in the gym. Homebase classes then participated in various activities to challenge knowledge and stamina! A great time was had by all - thank you to our staff facilitators.
Board Choir - Looking for interested Students
The choirs of the Ottawa Catholic School Board will be holding their annual auditions in June of this year. The choirs offer students in our board the chance to sing in award winning choirs. The OCSB Chamber Choir is for students entering grades 8 - 12 in the fall of 2017.
If your child is interested in auditioning or you would like more information, please visit the choir website at http://choirs.ocsb.ca.
Variable Transportation - Information for Parents
All requests for variable transportation in cases of joint custody for special transportation due on May 27th. Please visit the website above for policy information and to fill out forms if required. Contact the school if you have any questions
Student Study Skills Session with Board Psychologist
Once again, Dr. Richard Bolduc, our school psychologist, will be providing our high school students with a student skills session in preparation for their June exams. It will take place on Wednesday, June 7 @ lunch in room L210 (the classroom off of the LC). Please encourage your son/daughter to participate if they require some support.
Kanata Race Day - June 11th
Kanata Race Day will be taking place on June 11th at the Richcraft Recreational Complex Kanata. There is a 5K, 10K( timed) 1k and Tot Trot. The event happens from 8:30 to Noon. There are opportunities for students to participate, as well as volunteer their time to help. Please visit the web site at kanataraceday . ca
Pedal Play Mobile Bike Rodeo
The second annual Kanata North Pedal Play Mobile Bike Rodeo will take place on June 4th, 2017. This is a great event for both parents and students and is a great forum to learn safe cycling routes and practices here in our community. Feedback from the close to 100 parents and children that participated in last year’s event was overwhelmingly positive. This is a great opportunity for students to gain volunteer hours as well.
About Pedal Play:
Pedal Play is a free event for participants of all ages; primary school children, teens and adults. Participants will cycle through Kanata north, using both roadways and pathways, stopping at several activity stations along the way, to learn safe cycling practices, and how bicycles are regulated under the Highway Traffic Act. The 5-7 km route is planned to demonstrate safe routes throughout the community, connecting schools and community centres . Participants will learn their hand signals, how to share multiuse paths, how to change their gears when climbing, how to safely navigate roundabouts, and busy crossovers. They will also learn how to confirm their helmet fit and how to do a basic bike maintenance check.
Pedal Play is being sponsored by the Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association, with support and assistance from Councillor Wilkinson’s advisory committee - Transportation Action Committee Kanata North (TACK), Safer Roads Ottawa, and EnviroCentre’s Sustain Kanata North project. For more information, visit https://pedalplaymobilebikerodeo.com/
The Ottawa Catholic School Board: Keep you Connected
Check out the many different activities happening across our school board. Read the Board’s “Keeping you Connected” newsletter here: http://bit.ly/KYCapr2017
There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Check out our blog – allsaintschs . blogspot . ca and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website ash. ocsb . ca for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
May 24th: Grad Mass
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