Grade 9 EQAO Math Testing + Exams for Students grades 9-12
Our Grade 9 students write their Math EQAO test this week and exams for students in grades 9-12 run from January 24th to 27th (All Saints Exam Schedule - Semester 1). To assist with exam preparation, we have some opportunities for students listed below. Term one report cards for our 7&8 students will be distributed in mid-February. Finally, a reminder that our School Council meeting for January is on the 16th at 7:00. Please join us! Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the blog to check out the school calendar with additional dates.
Student Exam Preparation
Mindfulness preparation - Our Mindfulness room will be open each day during exams beginning at 7:30 am. This is a chance to take some quiet time to reflect/regroup ahead of, or after exams.
Study Skills Session - Grade 9-12 students are invited to join our school Psychologist Dr. Richard Bolduc for a study skills session ahead of exams on January 18th. Students need to sign up for the session in student services.
Peer Pal Packages - Our All Saints Peer Helper group is putting together care packages for our grade 9 students who are going through exams for the first time. They will include:
- A pencil - to keep them sharp
Smarties - to remind them how smart they are- Bubble Wrap - for immediate stress relief
- A Stress Ball - for long term stress relief
- Study Tips (business card size)
Colouring Sheet - for mindfulness- Tips to help them relax and de-stress (info graphic)
Student Services Pathways Night and Course Selection Info
We will hold our Pathways evening this Thursday, January 19, 2017 (6:00 - 8:30 p.m.). There will be grade 9-12 department displays as well as an academic pathways presentation from Student Services. Our guidance counsellors will also begin course selection presentations for grade 8 classes this coming week to ensure students are comfortable with the process.
All Saints Class of the Week Award
OTIP Teaching Awards
You can nominate a teacher in one of three categories: elementary, secondary, or a beginning teacher in the first five years of teaching.
Winning teachers are hosted at a fall awards ceremony in Toronto where they are presented with a personal award of $1,000 and a Certificate of Recognition. Their schools are recognized as well with a $1,000 prize and a Certificate of Recognition.
Deadline for submitting nominations is March 31 of each year.
Student Immunization
Some parents/guardians will have received a notice from Ottawa Public Health (OPH) advising them that their child’s immunization records are incomplete. If you have received such a notice, please be advised that OPH’s approach is that any child not in compliance will be suspended from school beginning on February 8th, and will be unable to return until OPH advises the school that he/she may be readmitted. If you have any questions, please contact Ottawa Public Health at 613-580-6744.
Parent/Guardian Information:
parents engaged in education newsletter for January -
Educating Boys: Strategies for engaging boys in academic work
Gain a better understanding of how you can help boys achieve greater success at school.
Speaker Kenton Biffert will present:
- Developmental stages
for boys from young child to adult - Factors that may impede boys’ academic achievement
- Strategies parents and guardians can use to engage boys
Thursday, January 19, 2017
6:45 - 8:30 PM
St. Joseph High School
Strong Not Tough;
The healthy family step plan to manage anxiety & prevent depression
As adults, we experience many life changes; workplace transitions, entering & ending relationships, financial difficulties, the loss of a loved one, supporting friends or family members with mental illness or substance/alcohol abuse. Feeling overwhelmed or anxious is natural.
Gain the know-how and confidence to navigate everyday life challenges!
This workshop will provide you with positive coping skills and coping step plans to help you navigate experiences, effectively manage feelings and be resilient. Come and participate in creating a family that can bend, not break. We all need a community that is strong, not tough.
Register Now:
Monday, January 23, 2017
6:45 - 8:45 PM
St. Mark Catholic High School
Best Buy Technology Specials for All Saints Parents and Students
We have established an optional purchase program with Best Buy for those who are interested in purchasing their own device. Parents and students may purchase any brand of device from any company as all devices will work on school network . Some of these devices are exclusive to our Best Buy partnership and not available to others through Best Buy.
The technologies listed on the Best Buy portal are only recommendations. Best Buy is offering discounts on protection plans and other supplies and peripherals but parents may choose to purchase from any vendor. As you will see on the Portal, we are recommending Chromebooks as a simple, safe, efficient and cost effective device. We also help equip these with Board purchased software through the student Google accounts and the use of the student portal. You can access the letter home describing the program in greater detail here.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.
Check out our blog – allsaintschs . blogspot . ca and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website ash. ocsb . ca for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
January 19th: Pathways information evening
January 24th to 27th: grade 9-12 exams
January 30th: Professional Learning day for staff - no school
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