Remembrance Day Observance at All Saints
Dominican Republic Experience - Auction
At All Saints High School we are very proud of our partnership with an educational centre in Todos Los Santos in the Dominican Republic. Our school community financially supports the teachers and resources at this village school. One of the fundraisers that we run to support this initiative is our Live and Silent Auction / Wine and Cheese evening, taking place on Thursday, November 17th at All Saints School. There are a bunch of auction items available including restaurant gift certificates, 67’s and Senators’ tickets, framed art, training and yoga sessions and many signed sports jerseys (including Wayne Gretzky and Connor McDavid signed Oilers’ jerseys!). The night is always entertaining, and our Dominican group would love your support.
We Day Celebration
Student Immunization
Ottawa Public Health is currently mailing notices to families if a student in the household has incomplete immunization records. If you receive such a notice, in order to prevent a future suspension from school for non-compliance with the Immunization of School Pupils Act, please note that it is a parent/guardian responsibility to ensure that Ottawa Public Health receives the required immunization information. You may contact them at: Website: Update your child's records online Telephone: 613-580-6744 Toll free number: 1-866-426-8885 E-mail:
Some very exciting opportunities for our school community regarding technology purchases through Best Buy, and a chance to buy Ottawa Senators Hockey tickets at a discount while supporting your All Saints School council:
Best Buy Technology Specials for All Saints Parents and Students
We have established an optional purchase program with Best Buy for those who are interested in purchasing their own device. Parents and students may purchase any brand of device from any company as all devices will work on school network . Some of these devices are exclusive to our Best Buy partnership and not available to others through Best Buy.
The technologies listed on the Best Buy portal are only recommendations. Best Buy is offering discounts on protection plans and other supplies and peripherals but parents may choose to purchase from any vendor. As you will see on the Portal, we are recommending Chromebooks as a simple, safe, efficient and cost effective device. We also help equip these with Board purchased software through the student Google accounts and the use of the student portal. You can access the letter home describing the program in greater detail here.
You can access the information/instruction poster here. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
Ottawa Senators Ticket Discount for All Saints Families
Students have an opportunity to win free Senators tickets and/or a pizza lunch for their class based on ticket sales. You can download and print the form at this link, or your son/daughter can collect a form at the school. Please ensure you identify the student responsible for the ticket sales so they get credit toward winning prizes.
For Parents and Guardians:
Opening Doors: Learning and Earning in the 21st Century
Making informed decisions for the future: OCSB Specialized Pathways, Opportunities and Programs
Student surveys tell us they listen to you, as parents, for information and guidance with respect to post-secondary planning. What are the options? What are the careers of tomorrow?
What does the labour market data tell us, in terms of future employment and economic sectors that will be seeking workers?
How can parents help?
Register Now:
Two dates and locations to choose from:
Thursday, November 24, 2016
6:30 - 8:30 PM
St. Paul High School
Thursday, Dec 1, 2016
6:30 - 8:30 PM
St. Matthew High School
Relationships Matter
Why it is important to connect with our children
Featuring Dr. Jean Clinton - psychiatrist, professor, and
All parents are invited to a FREE evening of discussion and practical advice on how to spend less time correcting and directing, and more time connecting with our children.
Free childminding will be available. If you require child minding , you must pre-register in order to reserve a place for your child
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Frank Ryan Catholic Intermediate School
Register Now:
Check out our blog – allsaintschs . blogspot . ca and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website ash. ocsb . ca for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
November 18th: Professional Activity Day - no school for students
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