Education Week
Parliament Visit for grade 10 students
Elementary School Visits
All Saints welcomed the elementary schools within our family of schools this week for introductory visits. Students from St Michael Corkery, St. Isidore, St Gabriel and Georges Vanier visited this week and were able to spend time in 7&8 classrooms, get information about the timetable and daily routines, visit our specialty areas, and attend demonstrations from a number of student groups. We let students know that this is part of the detailed process, including meetings with elementary teachers and parents, that we spend on ensuring a successful transition to grade 7. We look forward to further discussions with our elementary students.
All Saints Student picked as Ottawa Catholic Student Trustee
We would like to congratulate one of our grade 11 students, Sebastian Chavez Cabrera. Sebastian applied to our Ottawa Catholic school board as a student trustee this spring. Each School Board in Ontario elects two student trustees who help bring the students’ perspective to the elected trustee Board table. Each of our 15 high schools had an opportunity to send one candidate to be considered for the position. Sebastian presented a speech to current student senate members and was elected as one of the board’s student trustees for next year. Great work Sebastian, we are very proud of you.
Grade 12 Student Survey
The Ottawa Catholic School Board is inviting Grade 12 students to complete an on-line survey about their opinions and experiences regarding their school experience and their plans after high school. The Grade 12 survey is mandated by the Ministry of Education as part of the policy requirements for Creating Pathways to Success (2013). The student exit surveys are voluntary and anonymous. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The results of the survey will be used to help improve secondary education programs. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. McGilchrist at the school or Donna Mailloux, Research Officer at 613-224-4455.
Sessions for Parents:
There are a number of updates at the Catholic School Parents’ Association’s (CSPA) website. Please visit here.
- Earl of March Secondary School Council presents “Limiting Excess Screen Time in
Students” May 5 – 7:00 – 9:00pm. The Earl of March School Council is hosting an information session on the topic of limiting excess screen timein students. Whether in the form ofcellphones , TVs, video games, or the Internet, screens are everywhere. Spending too much time on screens can reduce time spent on schoolwork or with family. Our speaker, Dr. Darcy Santor, will discuss excessive screen time use and strategies to address this issue. Dr. Santor is a professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa and a clinical psychologist. This information session will take place on Thursday, May 5, from 7-9 pm in the school auditorium. No registration is required and refreshments will be provided. For more information, please check
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