Holy Week
As we return from our Spring Break, we are quickly confronted by the very rich symbolism and meaning associated with Holy Week. We transition from the welcome that Jesus received as he entered Jerusalem, greeted with the multitude waving palm branches and singing Hosanna, through his passion, crucifixion and ultimately his resurrection at Easter. It is easy to “hurry” through this period of time as we move from one holiday, through a short school week, to another long weekend, but I encourage all of our school community to take some time to reflect on the importance of this liturgical time and how it connects to our own lives. We have been encouraging academic goal setting among all of our student grades this year, but the last week of Lent is a heightened opportunity to set some spiritual goals that we can nurture throughout the coming spring. Our students and staff will have an opportunity to further reflect upon this important time at our Holy Thursday liturgies this coming week. 
Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) survey
OSTA is seeking public consultation on its proposed School Active Transportation Policy. This policy is scheduled to be presented at OSTA’s next public governance meeting on April 25, 2016. Delegations may also be heard at this time.
OSTA’s School Active Transportation Program has been in development for the past two years. With our school board partners, City partners and community partners, we have been able to support the 50,000+ students who are not eligible for transportation by motorized vehicle. The SAT policy would formalize OSTA’s commitment to continuing to provide services for students who walk, bike and roll, to school every day. More information may be found on our website http://www.ottawaschoolbus.ca/ under Active Transportation.
Upcoming Grade 10 Literacy Test
To all parents of Grade 10 students - the Ontario Secondary Schools Literacy Test (OSSLT) will be taking place this year on March 31, 2016. This week’s literacy information focuses on writing an information paragraph and a short opinion piece.
Writing an Information Paragraph
(an objective presentation of facts and information)
• Read the list of information given. Choose at least four points that you think go together. These will become the main idea of your information paragraph.
• In your topic sentence, clearly state your main idea.
• Include at least four supporting details from the list to develop the main idea in your topic sentence.
• Provide a concluding sentence for your paragraph. This sentence summarizes your main idea.
• Be sure your paragraph informs your reader about the topic you have chosen.
Writing a Short Opinion Piece
- The short writing tasks are based only on your life experience. For example, “Name a person you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Use specific details to explain your choice.”
- There are no correct or incorrect answers, but be specific when you explain your answer.
- You will have six lines
for your paragraph. Use all of the space.
Sessions for Parents:
- CSPA Math 4 Parents - Wednesday, April 20 at All Saints High School (7 - 8:45pm). Learn more about how math is taught today in classrooms and how you can support your child's learning. Two workshops will be offered on this evening at the same time. Choose from Inquiry-based Mathematics in the Elementary Classroom (JK - Gr. 6) OR So Much Homework, So Little Time. Why is High School Math So Difficult? (
Gr . 7 - 12)
Student Congratulations!
Congratulations to our own Tarun Balaraj (grade 10) who was recognized by the Ottawa Sports Awards recently at their 63rd annual presentation. Tarun is the #1 ranked junior squash player in the Ottawa area. He has consistently done well in regional, provincial and national tournaments. Great work Tarun!
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