I am hoping you enjoyed a special Easter weekend. While we had to postpone our Holy Thursday liturgies at the school due to our inclement weather day ahead of the weekend, we will be continuing the discussion around the Easter season with our students over the next period of time. This season, or “Eastertide” continues for the next 50 days until Pentecost Sunday.
District Process Visit
All Saints participated in the Board’s District Process on March 23rd last week. This is an opportunity for administrators and educators from around the board to visit All Saints to view the learning that is going on. The board team visited classrooms in the morning to discuss with students their perspective on learning experiences. In the afternoon, we were able to highlight some of the additional school initiatives that we are supporting at All Saints. A number of students presented to the board team around their participation in activities. The board returns a report highlighting the successes and next steps in the coming weeks which we will share with our students and staff.
Paint it Up!
Funding is available for outdoor mural art projects that support graffiti prevention, youth empowerment, community safety and the beautification of Ottawa neighbourhoods . For more information about funding, please visit www.crimepreventionottawa.ca, for the program guidelines and application form. Projects must contribute to a clean, safe and beautiful city by engaging neighbourhoods and youth in a constructive learning process to create murals to prevent or deter graffiti.
Applications must be postmarked, e-mailed , or received by 4 p.m. Monday, April 4th, 2016.
CN Cycle - A Sure Sign of Spring
With yet another dusting of snow on the ground, we thought perhaps we would motivate you to ‘think spring!’ And nothing gives more of a feeling of the change in season than the CN Cycle for CHEO. As you brush off your car for (hopefully) the last time, let your mind transport you to a spring weather stroll, in-line skate or a bike ride past some of the most scenic routes the Nation’s Capital has to offer! 
Registration is OPEN!
Getting involved is EASY! Visit our website: cncycle . ca Choose your route: Ericsson 70K Cycle, Coughlin & Associates 35K Cycle, Esso 15K Cycle and In-line Skate or the Sporting Life 5K or 2K Walks.
Upcoming Grade 10 Literacy Test
To all parents of Grade 10 students - the Ontario Secondary Schools Literacy Test (OSSLT) will be taking place this week on March 31, 2016. Here are some final tips for the OSSLT
- Write neatly! Use dark ink and write slowly. If you have messy handwriting, try writing bigger or printing.
- Answer the question! Read the question carefully, then “give them what they want”. Stay on topic and avoid irrelevant content.
- Attempt EVERY question! Don’t leave any blanks. Try every question.
- Proofread! Always, always, always re-read what you have written. Correct any mistakes as you go.
- Make sense! This is not the time to try out new words or get fancy. Keep it simple.
- Make rough notes! Brainstorm and then plan out your answer before you begin to write. Don’t waste space on the answer sheet. Organize your thoughts.
- Use your highlighter! Don’t be afraid to write on the test. Highlight key words and phrases.
- Skim the reading sections for answers! None of the multiple choice questions can be answered from memory. You must go back into the reading sections to find the answers for the questions
- Look at the pictures! The pictures with the test help you to know what the main idea of a section is.
- Remember the words, “for example…”! Use these words in every written answer. Be specific. Use examples.
Sessions for Parents:
- Advocating for Your Child with Special Needs
Would you like to learn how to advocate more effectively for your child with special needs?
Louise McGoey, former chair of the Ottawa Catholic SEAC (Special Education Advisory Committee), will provide participants with strategies for effective advocacy. Learn about the importance of knowing what your goals are for your child, how to communicate effectively with school and board staff and how to prepare for productive meetings. Presented by SEAC and CSPA.
Register Now: http://bit.ly/CSPAadvocacy
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
7:00 - 8:30 PM
St. Patrick’s High School
2525 Alta Vista Drive
- Understanding EQAO Assessments
(Rescheduled following inclement weather March 1)
Every year, Ontario students in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 10 write province-wide tests. These assessments provide an objective indication of how well students are developing the reading, writing and math skills defined in the Ontario Curriculum.
This presentation delivered by Mike Young, a principal from EQAO’s School Support and Outreach team, will give parents an opportunity to gain an understanding of the EQAO assessments.
Register Now: http://bit.ly/CSPAEQAO
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
6:45 - 8:45 PM
Saint Joseph Catholic High School
3333 Greenbank Road, Barrhaven
- Youth Substance Use – Supporting Youth and Families
Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services and the Ottawa Catholic School Board have worked in partnership for many years. Find out how the School Based Program provides support to students, and their families, throughout the phases of youth substance use, from prevention to intervention.
Learn signs and symptoms to be aware of and how to access help when needed.
Presenters: Liz Parsons & Nadine McLean, Co-managers, Youth, Parent and School Based Program at Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
Sacred Heart Catholic High School
5870 Abbott St E, Stittsville
Register Now: http://bit.ly/CSPAsubstance
- CSPA Math 4 Parents - Wednesday, April 20 at All Saints High School (7 - 8:45pm). Learn more about how math is taught today in classrooms and how you can support your child's learning. Two workshops will be offered on this evening at the same time. Choose from Inquiry-based Mathematics in the Elementary Classroom (JK - Gr. 6) OR So Much Homework, So Little Time. Why is High School Math So Difficult? (
Gr . 7 - 12)
All Saints trip to Greece
We had a group of students who returned recently from a trip to Greece. The group had a great tour of the country, and were able to see some incredible sights, sample some Greek cuisine and form new friendships. A big thank you to Ms. Lachapelle, who organized the trip for our All Saints students.
Check out our blog –