Our First Week of School!
It was a very busy and exciting first week of school these past few days. We began the week by welcoming our grade 7 students to our opening day assembly and then ushering them to their first period class. Our grade 8-12 students all found classes and reacquainted themselves with the school. Our administration met with our student council representatives on the first day of school, ensuring that student voice is a big part of our direction forward. Our student council reps were also instrumental in setting the tone at our grade level assemblies. They encouraged our study body to get involved and have fun this year. 
Finally on Friday we were able to process all of our students and staff through our school photos. We use the pictures for student identification cards and our yearbook, and we hope families took the opportunity to order packages as well.
Grade Level Assemblies
Our administration, Chaplaincy Leader, student services and student council had the opportunity to meet with all students by grade this week. It was an important chance to share direction and expectations with our students. I explained the significance of goal setting and being kind to each other (ask your son or daughter about Mr. Kelly’s unicycle work!). I also explained the responsibility that comes with following expectations independently of being told what to do.
This Week
On Thursday, September 17th, we will be running our Grade 9 Amazing Race. This is an orientation session for our new “high school” students, allowing them to explore the new opportunities outside the senior elementary panel. Students will rotate through information activities, allowing them to become more comfortable with the resources in high school.
Our Meet the Staff Open House will be held on Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 6:30. Please review the following schedule:
- 4:30 to 5:15 - BBQ fundraiser for our Girls’ Basketball team ($5 combos)
- 5:20 to 5:45 - Address (school administration, Chaplaincy Leader, School Council Chair, Student Services)
- 5:45 to 6:30 - grade 7&8 teachers remain in
, 9-12 staff in the wood floor gym (arranged alphabetically by last name - please bring your son/daughter’s schedule or teacher information)cafeteria - 6:00 - 6:30 - grad presentation and literacy information
information: information on Literacy Test Preparation for parents of grade10 students. This year, grade 10 students will be writing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) on Thurs. March 31, 2016. Successful completion of this test is a graduation requirementliteracy This workshop will provide both parents and students tips and strategies for success and information regarding the new online format.. information: student services personnel will focus on graduation requirements, post secondary options, scholarships and awards, important dates and communication strategies.graduation
On Friday of this week we will run our Celebrating 7 orientation program for our grade 7 students. This is a further opportunity to make our newest students feel comfortable at All Saints, while providing them with the resources to be successful in their first year.
All Saints Catholic School Council
The first general meeting of the All Saints School Council will take place on Monday, September 21st at 7:00pm in the school learning commons (library). Our fundraising group is meeting this week to bring a report to the general group on the 21st. We hope to see many new parents at our meeting a week from Monday. If you are interested in running for a position on the council, you may review the information required in the following forms and send the information required in an email to All Saints High School ( AllSaints.High@ocsb.ca)
A verification sheet was sent home with each student last Tuesday - it needs to be carefully checked over and signed by parents and returned immediately. This is vital for collecting parent/guardian contact information.
If your child has asthma please note the Ministry requires you to complete a medical form for your child. Please e-mail the school at AllSaints.High@ocsb.ca to obtain this form as it cannot be attached to this message. It will also be on the website as of Tuesday, September 8th.
Parents are asked to create an on-line payment account for each of their children at All Saints. The option to use credit cards is now available at https://ocsb.schoolcashonline.com/ You will get a receipt for all payments made. The student fee ($30 per student with a maximum of $60 per family) is due on the first day and may be paid online. If you have two or more students you just choose one child at a time and choose the option for (first, second, third... child).
Check out our blog – allsaintschs . blogspot . ca and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS as well as our
Coming Up:
September 24th: New student social at All Saints
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