7-8 Progress Reports Distributed: On Wednesday we will communicate current academic performance through a formal Progress Report. The report will provide parents with anecdotal comments and an indicator (checkmark) of the current assessment of student learning. Students will see they are either Progressing Well, Progressing with Difficulty or Progressing Very Well in each academic discipline.
7-8 Parent-Teacher Interviews: Following the distribution of Progress Reports you will receive an email from our school account connecting you to our online interview booking platform. This service offers you the opportunity to book a schedule that hopefully works around your afternoon/evening on November 6. Please note the window for booking closes the night before (November 5) at 11:59pm. If you forget to book before then you will either (1) contact the subject teacher as you would normally do, or (2), hope there is an opening in the subject teachers schedule that evening. Please note teachers will prepare feedback for the 10-minute session provided interviews are books in advance.
Spirit Week: Our awesome Student Council has organized a second Spirit Week, capitalizing on the participation and feedback from our first earlier this year.

Tuesday: Western Day
Wednesday: Grey Day
Thursday: Costume Day (no masks, culturally appropriate)
Friday: PJ Day
Cake Auction: Our annual Cake Auction in support of our Christmas Hampers and Todos Los Santos, our school in the Dominican Republic, will take place on Thursday, October 31st!
Craft Fair: Our annual Craft Fair will be hosted at All Saints on Saturday, November 2 (10:00am-3:00pm). Our vendors are sold out again with many ideas and gifts for the upcoming Christmas Holidays. We hope to see many families from our community come out to support this fundraiser for our Christmas Hamper collection as well as support for our student Domincan Experience.
Student Vote:
Last week more than 1.1 million students across Canada, including students in grades 10-12 at All Saints, participated in Student Vote 2019. Student Vote is a mock vote held alongside real elections to raise awareness among young people about the importance of getting out to the polls. When students across the country cast their ballot this past week, they elected a Liberal minority government with the NDP making up the official opposition. The full breakdown of the results can be found HERE. Using the online results platform, the results can be viewed nation-wide, by province/territory, by riding, and for each individual school.
At All Saints, it was a tight race between the NDP and the Conservatives, with 28.7 percent of students supporting the NDP and 27.7 percent voting Conservative. Before casting their vote, students learned about the electoral process, researched party platforms, and participated in a political spectrum survey tailored to young people. The goals of the Student Vote were to get students engaged in the voting process, have them exercise their democratic right to vote, and help them understand the value of democracy and how lucky we are to have it. Some grade 10 Civics, grade 12 Law, and grade 12 Business students also played key roles in the mock election, taking on the job of deputy returning officer, poll clerk or candidate representative.