Happy New Year!
I would like to wish our entire All Saints Community a happy start to 2019, and all the best in the new year. As January progresses, our Grade 9-12 students will continue to work on summative tasks in classes, with exams running from January 23rd to 28th. Term one report cards for our 7&8 students will be distributed in mid-February. Finally, a reminder that our School Council meeting for January is on the 21st at 7:00. Please join us! Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the blog to check out the school calendar with additional dates.
Student Pick-up and Drop Off at All Saints High School
The driveway directly in front of All Saints is used for special transportation to pick up and drop off some of our higher needs students at All Saints School. It is also considered a Fire Route by Ottawa By-Law. There continues to be congestion in that area during peak periods in the morning, and at the end of the day. We recognize that some poorer weather days have resulted in parents using this area for drop offs and pick ups, however, we are continuing to ask our community to drop off or pick up students using the larger parking area to the east of the school. This expectation would be in place from 8:00 to 8:30am in the morning, and from 2:15 to 2:45pm in the afternoon. Continued adherence to this expectation will make the area directly in front of the school less congested and safer for our students. If you have any questions, please contact the school.
Grade 9 EQAO Math Evaluation

n Wednesday, January 16th and Thursday, January 17th all students currently enrolled in a grade 9 math class will be writing the EQAO Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics. This is a provincewide assessment that contributes to the student’s final mathematics evaluation for grade 9. Math teachers and students have been working hard preparing for this assessment activity of grade level expectations. Attendance is a priority and students must arrive on time for their class. According to revised Ministry guidelines, all students can be granted additional time if required. Good luck to our grade nines!
Student Exam Preparation - Inclement Weather
High School exams will be written on January 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 28th. In the event of a snow day during the high school exam period, exam schedules at all schools for all students will be affected (not just for school bus riders).
In the event of a “snow day” where yellow school bus transportation is cancelled during the high school exam period, the missed exam will be written the following day. All other exams will be bumped by one day and the last exam, scheduled for Monday, January 28th will be written on Tuesday, January 29th. During a snow day, the school will be open, but exams will not be written.
For example, if January 23rd is a snow day and all school bus transportation for our board is cancelled, then:
All exams originally scheduled for January 23rd will be written on January 24th.
All exams originally scheduled for January 24th will be written on January 25th.
All exams originally scheduled for January 25th will be written on January 28th.
All exams originally scheduled for January 28th will be written on January 29th.
If you have any questions, please contact the main office.
Wednesday, January 30th is a PD day with semester two beginning on Thursday, January 31st.
Scheduling of Rich Summative Tasks and Exams
As part of student assessment and evaluation, the Ministry of Education stipulates that courses (grades 9-12) contain a formal Rich Summative Task or Assessment as part of the summative evaluation of a semester’s work. This RST is “An authentic activity, exercise, problem, or challenge that requires students to show what they know and what they can do. Performance tasks lead students to demonstrate their understanding by applying knowledge and skills to real-life situations or scenarios. Performance tasks usually address all four categories of the achievement chart and multiple overall curriculum expectations and provide flexibility in how students can demonstrate their learning” (Ontario Ministry of Education, Growing Success p. 153).
As part of this expected component of classroom evaluation, RST dates are made clear to students as part of the course expectations. As with final exams, RST dates are communicated with students ahead of time, and the expectation is that all students schedule outside appointments and other activities around these dates. For further information, please contact your child’s teacher.
Cooperative Education Corner

All Saints has a large number of students who enrol in cooperative education courses to pursue some practical work opportunities. In the coming weeks we will feature some of our students and the experiences they are having. This week: Featured Co-op Student: Featured Co-op Student: Justin Winford
Justin Winford is a grade 11 student who is doing his Co-op placement in the Optical Lab at Nokia. He is also part of the ICT SHSM.
As an optical lab assistant Justin gets a lot of hands on experience such as cable routing/organization, setting up hardware for new workers, replacing broken cables within cubicles, assisting in updating/creation of an informational site about the lab. Justin said that “the thing that I enjoy the most about my placement is the people I am working with. Every person that I work with is very understanding that I am not at the level that they are and will take projects to my level so that I can still participate in complicated projects.”
The Catholic Value he is able to demonstrate is hope. He commented “I have set goals for myself to achieve the expectations of my supervisor and have committed to the work that I am doing rather than slacking off and not doing what is told.
There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
South East Ottawa Community Health Centre is offering a free parenting workshop to parents who would like some information about how to support their children who may still be experiencing some negative effects from the tornado. See the poster for more information.
Check out our blog – allsaintschs.blogspot.ca and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website ash.ocsb.ca for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
January 17th - Course Selection Information meeting (more details to follow)