All Saints Day at our school will be marked with a homeroom prayer followed by student petitions. According to some sources, the idea for All Saints' Day goes back to the fourth century when the Greek Christians kept a festival on the first Sunday after Pentecost (in late May or early June) in honor of all martyrs and saints.
Symbols commonly associated with All Saints Day are
- a sheaf of wheat
- Rayed Manus Dei (hand of God)
- the crown
- symbols (including images) of individual saints
Halloween Spirit Week
Our student council group has organized Halloween spirit activities for this coming week. Our dress up themes will be the following:
- Monday- PJ Day
- Tuesday- Grey on Grey Day
- Wednesday- Halloween Costume Day (students are asked to ensure their costumes are culturally and dress-code appropriate with no masks (as a safety precaution)
- Thursday- Denim Day
- Friday- Grade Colour Day
La santé mentale - Mental health
Everybody has mental health. No matter how old or how young. Mental health is much like physical health but, instead of hurting your body, you’re hurting your feelings.
Il y a un spectrum pour la santé mentale et la santé physique. Pour la santé mentale, au début du spectrum, il y a un état d’être content (le vert). Le deuxième état est que tu es stressé(e) (le jaune). Le troisième (l’orange) état est quand tu es plus stressé(e) et tu ne viens plus à l'école. Le dernier stage est quand c’est tellement mal que tu veux te faire mal. Comme dans la santé physique, si tu ne prends pas de soin de ta santé mentale tu peux mourrir. Il est très dangereux d’avoir une mauvaise santé mentale.
Just like in physical health, if you feel really bad you should seek help, talk to someone. And if it gets worse, you should get professional assistance. You might feel it’s not necessary but, everyone has a different way to react. Seeking help is important without having to think about the prejudgements from your peers. What matters is what are you doing to take care of your mental health.
Service Animal at All Saints
All Saints High School is in the process of finalizing the approval of a request for a certified service dog to assist one of our staff in our school. We have had some experience with service animals at All Saints as we facilitated the accommodation of a student with a service animal over the past two years. We are confident that we are prepared for this accommodation as well.
Service dogs are specially trained to meet individual needs (eg. vision issues, seizures, autism, diabetes, etc.) to prevent and remove barriers that impede individuals with disabilities from participating fully within our school community. The right to have a service dog is protected by Human Rights legislation and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. As part of the application process, the staff member has provided the following documents:
- A copy of the service dog’s registration and training certification from a recognized training centre.
- A copy of the current vaccination certificate for the service dog.
- A copy of the municipal dog licence.
- A copy of liability insurance coverage as it relates to the service dog.
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact the school by November 1st.
Cooperative Education Corner
Jayden is a Grade 11 student working at Queensway West Animal Hospital. She is also taking part in the SHSM - Specialist High Skills Major Program in Health and Wellness.
Jayden has a variety of duties each day including laundry, clean up after surgery (clean room and sterilize the tools), restock and help get medication for the animals, observe surgeries, examinations or appointments.
The experience has been very positive and her testimony shows just how engaging this experience has been: “ I really like working with all the doctors and technicians as well as all the animals that come in. I love seeing the science that goes into examining the blood or urine samples, and seeing what they are looking for and what it means. Watching the surgeries is very interesting.”
Jayden is able to demonstrate how the Catholic values she is learning at school are serving her well in the workplace “I exemplify a sense of community through working well with others and the animals. I collaborate and use team work. Also, showing the value of love for the animals is good as it shows how much you care for and will take care of the sick animals.
Lunch Routines - 7&8 Students
We are encouraging our 7&8 students to help with keeping our cafeteria clean on a regular basis. We have asked all grade 7 & 8 students, ahead of dismissal at 12:15 PM from the caf, that they ensure that they have cleaned their table completely and raised their hands to acknowledge that they are ready to leave. Tables will be dismissed one by one. In addition, students are not permitted to access their lockers at 12:15 PM as there is no supervision in the 7&8 wing. They are to bring their coats (and anything else they need for the remainder of lunch) to the caf with them when they get their lunch. We have shared these reminders with our 7&8 community at last week’s morning assembly.
St. Isidore Tornado Relief Fundraiser
St. Isidore Parish is having a Christmas Craft Fundraiser for Tornado relief on Saturday, December 8th at St. isidore Catholic School. There will be a host of vendors, raffle draws and activities for kids. Admission is $2 or a non perishable food item for the Kanata Food Cupboard.
Christmas Craft Fair.jpg
There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Come out and join us for a fun night of learning all about School Council. Hear from OCSB staff, mingle and share successes, concerns and tips with fellow School Councils, and so much more.
Tuesday October 30, 2018
7:00 - 9:00pm
Lester B Pearson High School
2072 Jasmine Crescent
Gloucester K1J 8M5
Click on the following link for additional information
Check out our blog – allsaintschs.blogspot.ca and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website ash.ocsb.ca for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
November 7th - 7&8 Parent/Teacher interviews