Sunday, 16 December 2018

All Saints Blog Week of December 17th, 2018

Third Sunday of Advent
In recognition of the third Sunday in Advent, we lit the rose coloured candle this weekend. The rose candle is a stark contrast to the deep purple of the other three candles around the wreath. Advent is a time of expectant waiting and the three purple candles represent the symbols of peace, hope and love. During the third week of Advent, also known as Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday, we light a different coloured candle to remind us of the impending joy associated with the birth of Jesus. With the commercial hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, we are challenged to find the true meaning of this time of year. Our All Saints staff and students will be celebrating Advent liturgies this week at the school.

Our students were reminded of the true meaning of Christmas through their participation in the readying of our Christmas Hampers for our community. As a school, we were able to prepare dozens of baskets of food and household items to help compliment the special season for those who might be experiencing a difficult time. We appreciate the work of all of our students and staff who contributed to this task.   I extend wishes of hope, peace, joy and love to all of our school families for the remainder of our advent season and through your celebrations of Christmas.

Cooperative Education Corner

All Saints has a large number of students who enrol in cooperative education courses to pursue some practical work opportunities. In the coming weeks we will feature some of our students and the experiences they are having. This week: Featured Co-op Student: Misha Azaranka

Misha Azaranka is a grade 11 student who is interested in working in the Information Communication Technology field. His placement is at Ericsson in the Kanata Tech business park.

Misha commented that “The experience at Ericsson is fascinating, a lot of fun and I am happy to be part of the team. We get to write trouble reports, record it to a table and show the staff what progress they had made for the past week. Another duty as a network technician is responsible for is field testing. This requires a person to walk outside and have a laptop that would collect all of the data, a phone and antenna for the main test. And the last thing the network technician is responsible for is to send all of the collected data to Sweden where it would be picked up by one of the other Network Technician, organize it and send it to China.”

Additionally, Misha is able to demonstrate how the Catholic values he is learning at school are serving him well in the workplace as a Network Technician is teamwork. Misha says that “We have meetings to come up with solutions to solve problems together and need to help each other. Each person has their own task to do and when someone fails the other fail too. So everyone are having faith and trust to one another that they will accomplish their task together.”

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

South East Ottawa Community Health Centre is offering a free parenting workshop to parents who would like some information about how to support their children who may still be experiencing some negative effects from the tornado. See the poster for more information.

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Saturday, 8 December 2018

All Saints Blog Week of December 10th, 2018

Second Week of Advent: Hope
The word “Advent” has a Latin root that means “coming.” The pre-Christmas season of Advent is a time of preparation to celebrate the first coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas: “the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” (John 1.14) Soon, a joyful feast will mark the reality that heaven came to earth that first Christmas.
(from Terrence Prendergast, S.J. Archbishop of Ottawa - Advent message)

We light a second purple candle on the second Sunday of Advent to represent the hope of Christ coming to the world. The word "hope" has two meanings in the Bible. The first, tiqvah, contains the sense of eager anticipation or waiting. The second, elpis. depicts a sense of confident expectation based on certainty. Biblical hope is secured by God's faithfulness to His promises. For the Old Testament leaders, their hope was in the Messiah's arrival. For us, it is the hope of the Messiah's return.
God's plan for humanity unfolded in the town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of the Messiah, joyously fulfilling a long-awaited promise. Today we confidently wait for the Messiah's triumphant return. (

European Historical Trip - May 2020
All Saints is inviting students to register for a European Historical adventure to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands in May 2020. The trip is filled with amazing activities and visiting educational and historical sites as we travel to England, the Netherlands and Belgium.
Please contact Ms Power at the school for more information at or pick up an information package in room 215.

Cooperative Education Corner
All Saints has a large number of students who enrol in cooperative education courses to pursue some practical work opportunities. In the coming weeks we will feature some of our students and the experiences they are having. This week: Featured Co-op Student:Madison Brown
Madison Brown is in Grade 12 working at Mercury Filmworks. She is also involved in the Arts and Culture SHSM
Madison is being exposed to many behind the scene details, literally. She commented that her duties are almost different every other day. “I get moved around from show to show depending on which shows setup is needed first. For instance I could be working on Tangled the series, and then once I finished my work from that episode I could move to Lion Guard and do the same task I just finished for Tangled, but for Lion Guard. An example of a duty is to turn background files into smaller PNG files. What I enjoy most about my placement is the opportunity I have been given to seen all the different teams and tools they use to create amazing shows and motion pictures, such as Tangled and Lion Guard.”
Madison is able to demonstrate how the Catholic values she is learning at school are serving her well in the workplace. She demonstrates Hope. She hopes that one day she could be in a workplace like this for the rest of her life, and creating something everyone would like.

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Sunday, 25 November 2018

All Saints Blog Week of November 26th, 2018

School Council Fundraiser: Nordik Spa Experience
For Christmas, give someone a day of relaxation! Purchase a discounted Nordik Spa Thermal Experience (Day Pass). Discounted passes are just $64 each (including taxes) Valid 7 days a week, with an expiry date of Dec 6, 2019. At the door, you pay $68 + GST + QST + $78.18!
The thermal experience allows you to use their facilities for a full day. You can enjoy their 10 baths (hot, cold and temperate), 9 unique saunas, infinity pool, outdoor and indoor relaxation areas as well as a restaurant, café, lounge and terraces. The site is reserved to 16 years and over.
Orders must be placed by December 6. Payment must be made at the time of order, and can be made by e-transfer to
Passes can be picked up from the lobby of All Saints High School on Monday, December 17, 6:00pm - 6:45pm.

Math Homework Help
Looking for math help for your child in grades 7 to 10? Check out Homework Help for live, online math tutoring from an Ontario teacher! They also offer math resources 24 hours per day. To log in and register, you'll need your Ontario Education Number (OEN), found at the top of your child's report card near their name.

Learn more:!

Immunization of Students
The Immunization of School Pupils Act states that students attending schools in Ontario are required to be vaccinated against nine diseases, or else have a valid exemption. Parents are required to report all immunizations done at the doctor's office to Ottawa Public Health. Every year, OPH conducts an immunization surveillance campaign and students whose records remain incomplete may be suspended from school.
If your child requires immunization, you should receive a first notice from Ottawa Public Health, and you are encouraged to:
  • have your child immunized; and/or
  • advise OPH (not the school) that you have done so. Details on how to update OPH are on the written notice that you will receive in the mail. Parents with questions can contact OPH at 613-580-6744. 
Cooperative Education Corner
All Saints has a large number of students who enrol in cooperative education courses to pursue some practical work opportunities. In the coming weeks we will feature some of our students and the experiences they are having. This week: Featured Co-op Student: Jasmine Pawlikowski.
Jasmine Pawlikowski is in Grade 11 and she is doing her Co-op placement at St. Gabriel’s Elementary School.
Jasmine has had many opportunities to take on leadership roles while working in the Grade ⅔ classroom. She said that “I really enjoys working in small groups of children on reading comprehension, sentence writing or different science and math activities. I enjoy planning and teaching a music lesson to the kids each week. I also really like the atmosphere of the school. The children are so sweet and all of the teachers are always so kind and helpful. At my workplace I can exemplify the Catholic Virtue of excellence. I can do this by taking initiative and asking what tasks needs to be done around the workplace. I can also come up with goals and plan things that you would like to do at my placement to show good habits and responsibility. I can also exemplify love. I can do this by always be willing to help the children with work or if they’re upset, to show that I am caring and have compassion. I can also show kindness towards the children to create good relationships and friendships but while also having a teacher role.”

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
6:30 - 9:00pm - Learn more about: ABA (applied behaviour analysis) Building Capacity.
The Roots of Reading: Helping your child build language and literacy skills.
Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) - Solving the IEP Puzzle.
Shared Solutions: A guide to preventing and resolving conflicts regarding programs and services for students with special educational needs.
Notre Dame High School
710 Broadview Avenue
Ottawa, ON K2A 2M2

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Saturday, 17 November 2018

All Saints Blog Week of November 19th, 2018

Tornado Relief - Youth Action at City Hall On Tuesday, November 13th, Mme MacKinnon along with five grade 10 students representing three Civics classes attended the Youth Action Showcase at City Hall to raise awareness and provide relief for the victims of the recent tornadoes in the Ottawa region. The showcase was attended by mayor Jim Watson, municipal counsellors, business and community leaders as well as other civically-minded young people. The students from All Saints who participated in the showcase and spoke passionately about the ASH Tornado Relief initiative were from L to R: Kayleigh Coady, Ruby Reid, Megan Pattison, Owen Doherty, and Desmond Clark.

Ottawa Public Health addresses Smoking and Vaping
Every day tobacco kills more Ontarians than alcohol, illicit substances, accidents, suicide and homicides combined. People who use tobacco are more likely to go to the hospital and stay longer. They are also likely to die younger. Tobacco products contain nicotine, which is a substance that makes them highly addictive. Evidence shows that almost 90 per cent of adults who ever smoked daily (aged 30–39) reported trying their first cigarette by the time they were 18 years old — and nearly two-thirds of them began smoking daily by this age.

Starting October 17, 2018, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA) will prohibit smoking, vaping (electronic cigarettes), and smoking cannabis on school property and school parking lots, including within 20m from the perimeter of school property.

Tobacco Enforcement Officers (TEOs), appointed by the Minister of Health, enforce the SFOA. TEOs can issue, at their discretion, provincial offences notices to anyone for smoking and vaping on school property and within 20m from a school. The fine for this contravention of the SFOA begins at $305.

The Ontario Education Act, Section 266 (2.1) and the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, Section 20(7) require school officials to identify pupils (who have contravened sections of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act), to the Medical Officer of Health or to a designate of the Medical Officer of Health. The information to be released is limited to: the pupil’s name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and the name, address and telephone number of the parent or guardian.

For more information, please contact Ottawa Public Health.
You may also obtain information by calling toll-free:

• INFOline 1-866-532-3161
• TTY 1-800-387-5559 Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
For specific information on smoking and vaping laws in schools, contact your local Public Health Unit. To find the public health unit serving your region, please visit their website at:

2019 Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence

Nominate an exceptional educator for the 2019 Prime Minister’s Awards for:

Teaching Excellence
Teaching Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
Nomination Deadline is January 14, 2019 at 23:59 Pacific Time. Applications may be found here.

Post Secondary Presentations at All Saints
Last week, the guidance counsellors met with grade 12 students regarding the college and university application process. 
The presentations are below:
Applying to College
Applying to University

Immunization of Students
The Immunization of School Pupils Act states that students attending schools in Ontario are required to be vaccinated against nine diseases, or else have a valid exemption. Parents are required to report all immunizations done at the doctor's office to Ottawa Public Health. Every year, OPH conducts an immunization surveillance campaign and students whose records remain incomplete may be suspended from school.

If your child requires immunization, you should receive a first notice from Ottawa Public Health, and you are encouraged to have your child immunized; and/or advise OPH (not the school) that you have done so. Details on how to update OPH are on the written notice that you will receive in the mail. Parents with questions can contact OPH at 613-580-6744.

Cooperative Education Corner

All Saints has a large number of students who enrol in cooperative education courses to pursue some practical work opportunities. In the coming weeks we will feature some of our students and the experiences they are having. This week: Featured Co-op Student: Matthew Tzavelas.

Matthew Tzavelas is a Grade 12 student working at Rogers TV. He is also part of the ICT SHSM

Matthew commented that “I really enjoyed helping with audio for a real live daytime show. I get to do it by myself, most of the time and I like the responsibility that I get.The main duties and responsibilities of an Audio Technician are making sure all audio levels are not too loud or quiet. These levels must be monitored at all times. Another responsibility is making sure all mics work before the show starts and all the mics have a high enough battery percentage, if these are not checked, microphones may not work.”  Matthew is able to demonstrate how the Catholic Values he is learning at school are serving him well in the workplace. At Rogers TV, Community is very important. Everyone must work together and communicate constantly during shows in order for them to run smoothly. No one can do their job alone, the entire show must be run as a team.

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

Thursday, November 29, 2018
6:30 - 9:00pm - Learn more about: ABA (applied behaviour analysis) Building Capacity.
The Roots of Reading: Helping your child build language and literacy skills.
Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) - Solving the IEP Puzzle.
Shared Solutions: A guide to preventing and resolving conflicts regarding programs and services for students with special educational needs.
Notre Dame High School 710 Broadview Avenue Ottawa, ON K2A 2M2

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
November 19th - 7:00pm School Council meeting

Sunday, 11 November 2018

All Saints Blog Week of November 12th, 2018

Career Week Activities
November 12th to 15th is Career Week in the Ottawa Catholic School Board. We have been busy organizing activities for students this week. Students will be invited to take part in the following:
  • Monday, November 12th: Gr.10 career classes and skilled trade related courses to attend 'Skills Ontario Presentation" in the Learning Commons (period 1,2,3,4)
  • Tuesday, November 13th: 'Meet and Munch' lunch time activity. Gr. 7-12 are welcome to attend during their respective lunches. Students are invited to bring their lunch to the atrium and sit with a skilled professional to learn more about their trade/career. We will have representatives from:
1. Canadian Armed Forces
2. Canadian Navy
3. Plumber
4. An apprentice Electrician
5. HVAC specialist
6. Engineering Student Ambassadors from Carleton University
7. Nokia (telecommunications specialist)
8. Discover Year (gap year program) with ASH grads who are in the program
9. Recording and performing artist

  • Wednesday, November 14th: Take Your Kid To Work Day (all grade 9 students are to participate). Students are invited to attend the McDonald Restaurant recruitment fair in the atrium during high school lunch.
  • Thursday, November 15th: Gr. 10-11-12 period 2 classes to attend Career/Leadership Presentation by motivational speaker, Fahd Alhattab, in our Cafeteria Gym. Presentation will begin promptly at 9:50 am.
  • Friday, November 16th: Professional Learning Day for staff
Go Green Team
Did you know that it takes up to 1000 years for plastic bags to decompose? The Go Green team would like to to reduce the amount of plastics going into the environment by collecting milk bags. We are promoting this initiative by asking students to drop off clean and dry 4 litre outer milk bags in the bin set up in Student Services. The bags will then be delivered to St. Isidore Parish, where volunteers will weave them into mats to be sent to developing countries.

Expectations at 7&8 Lunch
During the lunch hour, we encourage our grade 7 & 8 students to bring a lunch from home or to purchase a lunch from the cafeteria. Students are not permitted to access online food ordering and delivery platforms (e.g. Skip the Dishes, Uber Eats, etc.) during the school day. The Main Office does not receive deliveries for food and to ensure safety, our grade 7 & 8 students are not permitted to leave the school to receive a food order. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Immunization of Students
The Immunization of School Pupils Act states that students attending schools in Ontario are required to be vaccinated against nine diseases, or else have a valid exemption. Parents are required to report all immunizations done at the doctor's office to Ottawa Public Health. Every year, OPH conducts an immunization surveillance campaign and students whose records remain incomplete may be suspended from school.
If your child requires immunization, you should receive a first notice from Ottawa Public Health, and you are encouraged to:
  • have your child immunized; and/or
  • advise OPH (not the school) that you have done so. Details on how to update OPH are on the written notice that you will receive in the mail. Parents with questions can contact OPH at 613-580-6744. 
Cooperative Education Corner
All Saints has a large number of students who enrol in cooperative education courses to pursue some practical work opportunities. In the coming weeks we will feature some of our students and the experiences they are having. This week: Featured Co-op Student:  Mackenzie Kadar
Mackenzie is a Grade 12 student working at an Industrial Design company named Studio 63 in Bell’s Corners. She is part of the Arts and Culture Specialist High Skills Major Program.

Mackenzie said that “the experience I have had at my placement has been very positive. I have been learning how to create products through the use of SolidWorks, develop renderings of projects using KeyShot, set up print files with Simplify3d, and then get the 3D printer ready by leveling the bed, setting up the filament, and heating it.
Mackenzie is able to demonstrate how the Catholic values she is learning at school are serving her well in the workplace. She is demonstrating Stewardship for Creation - “Industrial designers aim to expand and improve products, or invent products to solve day to day issues. Issues involving the earth, such as how to use less wasted materials on products.”

St. Isidore Tornado Relief Fundraiser
St. Isidore Parish is having a Christmas Craft Fundraiser for Tornado relief on Saturday, December 8th at St. isidore Catholic School. There will be a host of vendors, raffle draws and activities for kids. Admission is $2 or a non perishable food item for the Kanata Food Cupboard.
Christmas Craft Fair.jpg

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

Thursday, November 29, 2018
6:30 - 9:00pm - Learn more about: ABA (applied behaviour analysis) Building Capacity.
The Roots of Reading: Helping your child build language and literacy skills.
Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) - Solving the IEP Puzzle.
Shared Solutions: A guide to preventing and resolving conflicts regarding programs and services for students with special educational needs.
Notre Dame High School
710 Broadview Avenue
Ottawa, ON K2A 2M2

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
November 16th - PD day

Sunday, 4 November 2018

All Saints Blog Week of November 5th, 2018

Grade 7&8 Parent-Teacher interviews / Early Dismissal
All Saints wishes to remind parents of Grade 7&8 students that parent/teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday, November 7th. There will be an early dismissal at 1:30 pm that day for all students in grades 7-12. The scheduled times for interviews are from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and again from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm.
Booking interviews for November 7th will be done online through the You Can Book Me program. The link can be accessed through our website as of Monday. Parents/guardians are reminded that if they are unable to schedule an interview with a particular teacher, they are welcome to contact the teacher at the school to have a telephone discussion.
Please note interviews are 10 minutes in length and parents are asked to request a maximum of one interview slot per teacher.

French Language Support for Students
Image result for french languageVoilà Live’s Virtual Immersion Campus is open to all students in our board from K-12. Every evening from Monday to Thursday students have access to live teachers online to practice their French and get homework help in French. Children can also play live, communicative games in French on the platform. For more information please see: A letter for parents with the access code, the step by step access guide for parents, and Bookmarks created for students.

Career Week Activities
All Saints’ 'Career Awareness Week' takes place beginning on Monday, November 12th. We have a number of activities planned for students throughout the week. Please encourage your son/daughter to take advantage of the following:
  • Mon. Nov. 12th: Gr. 10 and skilled trade related courses to attend 'Skills Ontario Presentation" in the Learning Commons (period 1,2,3,4).
  • Tues. Nov. 13th: 'Meet and Munch' lunch time activity. Gr. 7-12 are welcome to attend during their respective lunches. Students are invited to bring their lunch to the atrium and sit with a skilled professional to learn more about their trade/career. We will have representatives from:
1. Canadian Armed Forces
2. Canadian Navy
3. Plumber
4. An apprentice Electrician
5. HVAC specialist
6. Engineering Student Ambassadors from Carleton University
7. Nokia (telecommunications specialist)
8. Discover Year (gap year program) with ASH grads who are in the program
9. Recording and performing artist

  • Wed. Nov. 14th: Take Your Kid To Work Day
  • Thurs. Nov. 15th: Gr. 10-11-12 period 2 classes to attend Career/Leadership Presentation by motivational speaker, Fahd Alhattab, in Caf/Gym. Presentation will begin promptly at 9:50 am.
  • Fri. Nov. 16th: P.D. Day
Dual Credit Program
All Saints High School senior students have the opportunity to register in part-time studies at Algonquin College. If accepted into the program, students will be eligible to earn a college credit and a high school credit.

Dual Credit is a School-to-College-to-Work pilot project sponsored by the Partnering to Achieve for Student Success (PASS) Team. Delegates from nine publicly funded school boards in eastern Ontario as well as representatives from three regional community colleges and representatives from two community/ business partners are members of the PASS Regional Planning Team. The PASS Dual Credit initiative supports, financially and educationally, high school students, in attending a college course while still in the process of completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Prior to each semester, Algonquin College releases a list of courses that are available to secondary school students enrolled in the Dual Credit project. A variety of courses in a number of disciplines such as Early Childhood Education, Graphic Design, Culinary Arts, Trades and Business are among the possibilities. The 2018-2019 offerings are accessible at Dual Credit Offerings . Refer to the far two right-hand columns for the upcoming offerings, Winter and Spring Dual Credit Offerings.

Benefits of the Dual Credit Program:
  • Students gain exposure to college programs which will allow them to make a more informed decision regarding their post secondary destination. 
  • Students can earn a college credit and a high school credit. 
  • Tuition, books and most transportation costs will be paid through the PASS Dual Credit Project. 
  • Students will have the opportunity to experience campus life and learn at the college level. 
  • Students will have an opportunity to link their cooperative education learning experience (if applicable) to a college program. 
Cooperative Education Corner
All Saints has a large number of students who enrol in cooperative education courses to pursue some practical work opportunities. In the coming weeks we will feature some of our students and the experiences they are having. This week: Featured Co-op Student: Farishtay Yousef.

Farishtay Yousef is a grade 11 student who is interested in working in the IT field. Her placement is at Ericsson in the Kanata Tech business park. She is also part of the ICT - Information Communication Technology, SHSM - Specialist High Skills Major program at school.  Farishtay is excelling at her placement. She commented that “some duties I fulfill at Ericsson is programming with various softwares ex. R Studio, Java, Linux, write scripts and run them to see the output of the script. I do field testing for a variety of measurements and reports to be sent away to be examined.”   Farishtay is able to demonstrate how the Catholic values she is learning at school are serving her well in the workplace. “I exemplify excellence and initiative at my workplace in that I am willing to do any task my supervisor gives, whether it be small like, label all the phones with stickers for testing or a big project like programming - to process data. I come prepared and ready to learn new and fun stuff at Ericsson. Initiative to me is arriving on time to work, ready to work and learn.”

Lunch Routines - 7&8 Students
We are encouraging our 7&8 students to help with keeping our cafeteria clean on a regular basis. We have asked all grade 7 & 8 students, ahead of dismissal at 12:15 PM from the caf, that they ensure that they have cleaned their table completely and raised their hands to acknowledge that they are ready to leave. Tables will be dismissed one by one. In addition, students are not permitted to access their lockers at 12:15 PM as there is no supervision in the 7&8 wing. They are to bring their coats (and anything else they need for the remainder of lunch) to the caf with them when they get their lunch. We have shared these reminders with our 7&8 community at last week’s morning assembly.

St. Isidore Tornado Relief Fundraiser
St. Isidore Parish is having a Christmas Craft Fundraiser for Tornado relief on Saturday, December 8th at St. isidore Catholic School. There will be a host of vendors, raffle draws and activities for kids. Admission is $2 or a non perishable food item for the Kanata Food Cupboard.
Christmas Craft Fair.jpg

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
November 16th - PD day

Sunday, 28 October 2018

All Saints Blog Week of October 29th, 2018

All Saints Feast Day - November 1st 
Image result for all saints day
All Saints Day at our school will be marked with a homeroom prayer followed by student petitions. According to some sources, the idea for All Saints' Day goes back to the fourth century when the Greek Christians kept a festival on the first Sunday after Pentecost (in late May or early June) in honor of all martyrs and saints.

Symbols commonly associated with All Saints Day are 

  • a sheaf of wheat
  • Rayed Manus Dei (hand of God)
  • the crown
  • symbols (including images) of individual saints

Halloween Spirit Week
Our student council group has organized Halloween spirit activities for this coming week. Our dress up themes will be the following:
  • Monday- PJ Day
  • Tuesday- Grey on Grey Day
  • Wednesday- Halloween Costume Day (students are asked to ensure their costumes are culturally and dress-code appropriate with no masks (as a safety precaution)
  • Thursday- Denim Day
  • Friday- Grade Colour Day
CHEO “YouthNet” Mental Wellness Presentations
Thank you to Cathy Gloade, one of our 7&8 teachers working with our guidance department, who set up Youthnet presentations to all of our 7&8 students. Lana Savkovic and Rachel Lambley, two students who participated in the presentations, provided us with a bilingual reflection on the subject matter. We thank them for their contribution!

La santé mentale - Mental health
Everybody has mental health. No matter how old or how young. Mental health is much like physical health but, instead of hurting your body, you’re hurting your feelings.
Il y a un spectrum pour la santé mentale et la santé physique. Pour la santé mentale, au début du spectrum, il y a un état d’être content (le vert). Le deuxième état est que tu es stressé(e) (le jaune). Le troisième (l’orange) état est quand tu es plus stressé(e) et tu ne viens plus à l'école. Le dernier stage est quand c’est tellement mal que tu veux te faire mal. Comme dans la santé physique, si tu ne prends pas de soin de ta santé mentale tu peux mourrir. Il est très dangereux d’avoir une mauvaise santé mentale.
Just like in physical health, if you feel really bad you should seek help, talk to someone. And if it gets worse, you should get professional assistance. You might feel it’s not necessary but, everyone has a different way to react. Seeking help is important without having to think about the prejudgements from your peers. What matters is what are you doing to take care of your mental health.
Service Animal at All Saints
All Saints High School is in the process of finalizing the approval of a request for a certified service dog to assist one of our staff in our school. We have had some experience with service animals at All Saints as we facilitated the accommodation of a student with a service animal over the past two years. We are confident that we are prepared for this accommodation as well.
Service dogs are specially trained to meet individual needs (eg. vision issues, seizures, autism, diabetes, etc.) to prevent and remove barriers that impede individuals with disabilities from participating fully within our school community. The right to have a service dog is protected by Human Rights legislation and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. As part of the application process, the staff member has provided the following documents:

  • A copy of the service dog’s registration and training certification from a recognized training centre.
  • A copy of the current vaccination certificate for the service dog.
  • A copy of the municipal dog licence.
  • A copy of liability insurance coverage as it relates to the service dog.
As a Board and as a school, we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive, respectful working environment for all employees. We would ask those accessing our school to respect that the service dog is “working” at the school, and therefore should not be approached, touched, spoken to, fed or distracted.
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact the school by November 1st.

Cooperative Education Corner
All Saints has a large number of students who enrol in cooperative education courses to pursue some practical work opportunities. In the coming weeks we will feature some of our students and the experiences they are having.
Jayden is a Grade 11 student working at Queensway West Animal Hospital. She is also taking part in the SHSM - Specialist High Skills Major Program in Health and Wellness.
Jayden has a variety of duties each day including laundry, clean up after surgery (clean room and sterilize the tools), restock and help get medication for the animals, observe surgeries, examinations or appointments.
The experience has been very positive and her testimony shows just how engaging this experience has been: “ I really like working with all the doctors and technicians as well as all the animals that come in. I love seeing the science that goes into examining the blood or urine samples, and seeing what they are looking for and what it means. Watching the surgeries is very interesting.”
Jayden is able to demonstrate how the Catholic values she is learning at school are serving her well in the workplace “​I exemplify a sense of community through working well with others and the animals. I collaborate and use team work. Also, showing the value of love for the animals is good as it shows how much you care for and will take care of the sick animals.

Lunch Routines - 7&8 Students
We are encouraging our 7&8 students to help with keeping our cafeteria clean on a regular basis. We have asked all grade 7 & 8 students, ahead of dismissal at 12:15 PM from the caf, that they ensure that they have cleaned their table completely and raised their hands to acknowledge that they are ready to leave. Tables will be dismissed one by one. In addition, students are not permitted to access their lockers at 12:15 PM as there is no supervision in the 7&8 wing. They are to bring their coats (and anything else they need for the remainder of lunch) to the caf with them when they get their lunch. We have shared these reminders with our 7&8 community at last week’s morning assembly.

St. Isidore Tornado Relief Fundraiser
St. Isidore Parish is having a Christmas Craft Fundraiser for Tornado relief on Saturday, December 8th at St. isidore Catholic School. There will be a host of vendors, raffle draws and activities for kids. Admission is $2 or a non perishable food item for the Kanata Food Cupboard.

Christmas Craft Fair.jpg

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

Come out and join us for a fun night of learning all about School Council. Hear from OCSB staff, mingle and share successes, concerns and tips with fellow School Councils, and so much more.

Tuesday October 30, 2018
7:00 - 9:00pm
Lester B Pearson High School
2072 Jasmine Crescent
Gloucester K1J 8M5
Click on the following link for additional information

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
November 7th - 7&8 Parent/Teacher interviews

Friday, 19 October 2018

All Saints Blog Week of October 22nd, 2018

Government Input on Educational Issues
As many parents/guardians have heard, the provincial Conservative government has commenced a series of telephone town hall meetings to solicit input on a variety of educational topics. The questions the provincial government they plan to address include the following:

1. Improving student performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
2. Preparing students with needed job skills, such as skilled trades and coding
3. Improving provincial standardized testing
4. Ensuring students graduate with important life skills, including financial literacy
5. Managing the use of technology in classrooms, such as cell phones
6. Building a new age-appropriate Health and Physical Education curriculum that includes
subjects like mental health, sexual health education and the legalization of cannabis
7. Developing the first-ever Parents’ Bill of Rights.

Parents/guardians are invited to participate in one of the phone calls if you would like your view considered. Online registration to take part in one of the calls
Note that space is limited and will be filled on a first come basis. The Ottawa options are:
October 24: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
October 30: 8:30 – 10:00 p.m. (French)
November 2: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Cannabis: What Parents/Guardians and Caregivers Need to Know
The organization for School Mental Health-Assist, in cooperation with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), has created a newsletter with information regarding the legalization of cannabis. This fact sheet on recreational cannabis is for parents/guardians and caregivers of youth in grades 6 to 12. It provides information about cannabis, cannabis legalization, risks, signs of a problem, how to help your child, and where to get more information and support.
You can access the fact sheet here:

Terry Fox Run - Our organization en Francais!
Hi! We’d like to share some news about our recent Terry Fox event. Bonjour! Nous sommes les représentantes de la classe de Madame MacLellan qui ont coordonné l'événement Terry Fox à All Saints.
As a class, we decided to organize an exciting walk for all our grade 7-8 classes as a way to create a direct action in our community based on our learning of what it means to be a leader and good samaritan. We planned trivia stations, student and teacher challenges, which included a flash dance competition between classes. Overall, everyone had a lot of fun and laughs while creating community in our school and raising money for a good cause.
Some highlights include the class who raised more than $2,000. Thank you Ms. Donaldson’s homeroom, we also liked their dance moves! Now the homeroom with THE MOST SCHOOL SPIRIT and trivia knowledge! Nous avons la classe qui a gagné avec le plus de points avec leur esprit d’équipe et les points de chaque défi. C’est une classe de français…la classe de Mr. Breton! Bravo! In third place with an honourable mention for raising money and bringing school spirit is Mr. Michienzi’s homeroom!
Congratulations to our winners and everyone who participated for making this day a success. As well, congratulations All Saints for raising more than $4,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation!
  • Submitted by Rachel, with Ms. MacLellan and their Period 1, French Immersion Religion Gr. 9 Class
St. Isidore Tornado Relief Fundraiser
St. Isidore Parish is having a Christmas Craft Fundraiser for Tornado relief on Saturday, December 8th at St. isidore Catholic School. There will be a host of vendors, raffle draws and activities for kids. Admission is $2 or a non perishable food item for the Kanata Food Cupboard.
Christmas Craft Fair.jpg

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

Come out and join us for a fun night of learning all about School Council. Hear from OCSB staff, mingle and share successes, concerns and tips with fellow School Councils, and so much more.

Tuesday October 30, 2018
7:00 - 9:00pm
Lester B Pearson High School
2072 Jasmine Crescent
Gloucester K1J 8M5
Click on the following link for additional information

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
October 22nd - School Council meeting (7:00pm)

Sunday, 14 October 2018

All Saints Blog Week of October 15th, 2018

Grade 9-12 Letters of Progress and Parent-Teacher interviews
Letters of concern for students in grades 9-12 were sent out as part of a message this past Friday from school. All Saints wishes to remind parents of high school students (grades 9-12) that parent/teacher interviews will be held on Thursday, October 18th. There will be an early dismissal at 1:30 pm that day for all students in grades 7-12. The scheduled times for interviews are from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and again from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm. We will also have a special “optional” session for parents of students in grade 10, providing information on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. Test structure, strategies for preparation and other information will be highlighted in the meeting from 6:30 to 7:00 pm in room 158.
Booking interviews for October 18th will be done online through the You Can Book Me program. The link can be accessed through our website as of Monday. Parents/guardians are reminded that if they are unable to schedule an interview with a particular teacher, they are welcome to contact the teacher at the school to have a telephone discussion.
Please note interviews are 10 minutes in length and parents are asked to request a maximum of one interview slot per teacher. 7&8 Report card distribution will take place on November 1st, and parent teacher interviews with grade 7&8 teachers will be on November 7th.

Youthnet Presentations

All grade 7&8 classes have been participating in Youthnet presentations at All Saints.  These mental health sessions include information regarding the importance of balanced mental health and effective coping strategies for distress while speaking about the role of peer influence.  Additional information can be found at their website:

Ottawa Public Health Presentation: The legalization of Cannabis
As you may know, cannabis will be legal in Canada as of October 17th, 2018. Join Ottawa Public Health, all four school boards and our community partners at one of our parent information nights to learn more about cannabis, the new legislation, how to talk to youth as well as available resources and services.
Please see available dates and locations outlined on our website.

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

Come out and join us for a fun night of learning all about School Council. Hear from OCSB staff, mingle and share successes, concerns and tips with fellow School Councils, and so much more.
Tuesday October 30, 2018
7:00 - 9:00pm
Lester B Pearson High School
2072 Jasmine Crescent
Gloucester K1J 8M5
Click on the following link for additional information

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
October 22nd - School Council meeting (7:00pm)

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

All Saints Blog - Reminder about Pickup/Drop off Expectations

Student Pick-up and Drop Off at All Saints High School
The driveway directly in front of All Saints is used for special transportation to pick up and drop off some of our higher needs students at All Saints School. It is also considered a Fire Route by Ottawa By-Law. We made a change last year to address the issue of congestion in that area during peak periods in the morning, and at the end of the day. We are again reminding parents and guardians to make some accommodations to allow our students who need to board or depart transportation in this area to have the space to do so. We are asking our community to drop off students in our larger parking area to the east of the school. This expectation would be in place from 8:00 to 8:30am in the morning, and from 2:15 to 2:45pm in the afternoon. Ottawa Police have suggested that parents NOT use Kanata Avenue for drop offs or pick ups. Your assistance with this expectation will make the area directly in front of the school less congested and safer for our students. If you have any questions, please contact the school. We thank you for your cooperation with this change.

Saturday, 6 October 2018

All Saints Blog Week of October 9th, 2018

All Saints 2018-2019 School Council

Thank you to all of our parent community who came out to join us at our first School Council meeting this past week. We held elections, and I am happy to introduce our new council for the 2018-2019 school year:

All Saints School Council
Michelle Taylor acclaimed as chair elect
Cindy Lee acclaimed as vice chair
Cathy Deogrades acclaimed as secretary and communications rep
Trudy Rink acclaimed as treasurer
Liana Gallant acclaimed as CSPA rep
Laurie Chatigny acclaimed as community rep

Returning Parent Reps
Cathy Motz
Jen Dowd
Joanne Ness
Cheryl Marron
Rachelle Brewer
Sarah Hobbins
Michele D’Addona

New Parent Reps
Sue Keats
Tanya Ramsamy
Lisa Woodtke
Flavio Mior

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Come out and join us for a fun night of learning all about School Council. Hear from OCSB staff, mingle and share successes, concerns and tips with fellow School Councils, and so much more.

Tuesday October 30, 2018
7:00 - 9:00pm
Lester B Pearson High School
2072 Jasmine Crescent Gloucester K1J 8M5
Click on the following link for additional information

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
October 18th - 9-12 parent/teacher interviews

Sunday, 30 September 2018

All Saints Blog Week of October 1st, 2018

Weather Disaster Relief for our Families
Thank you for all the calls offering support to our Family of Schools families that have been affected by our recent weather event. Our school guidance department, chaplaincy leader and administration have been communicating with all of the affected students and parents to determine immediate and long term support. While there are a number of agencies collecting for support, St. Isidore’s parish has established an aid effort called Tornado: Families Helping Families Fund and All Saints has coordinated with our elementary schools to focus on this effort for support. I would encourage you to direct any offers of assistance to this charity. Additional information can be found at this link.

School Council Meeting
The All Saints School Council meeting originally scheduled for September 24th was postponed because of school closures that day. We will be having the council meeting this Monday, October 1st at 7:00 in our learning commons.
Police and Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day 
Image result for police hatFlags on all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province were flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Sunday, September 30, 2018 in observance of Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day. We salute these first responders in our community

Christian Community Day
Image result for spiritual theme ocsbThis Friday, October 5th, the entire staff at the Ottawa Catholic School Board comes together to celebrate Christian Community Day. This is an opportunity to set academic and spiritual direction for the school year. Friday is a Professional Development day in all OCSB schools.

Math Homework Help
Image result for math equation notebookHomework Help is a valuable math resource for students in grades 7 to 10, as it allows them to access live, anonymous tutor chat sessions with certified Ontario teachers. In these sessions, the tutors will guide students to solve math questions after school hours. The live Homework Help chat room service is available for students from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM Sundays to Thursdays.

Sacrament of Confirmation @ St. Isidore’s Parish
In the Archdiocese of Ottawa, children in grade six or higher may receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation is the final step in the initiation process of the Church which began with Baptism and the Eucharist. In Confirmation we are strengthened with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to live out our baptismal call.
If your child is 12 or older and you wish to make this journey with your child to Confirmation this year, please join us: Wednesday, October 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the parish hall.
Father Matthew J. Keshwah, Pastor

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.

Anxiety in School-Aged Children - Wed. Oct. 10, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Jean Clinton
St. Paul High School: 2675 Draper Avenue
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Both parents and teachers are expressing increased concern about the number of children exhibiting anxiety. This talk will explore what some of the causes may be and some strategies for helping.
Register Now:
Link to information:

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsOCSB (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!
The OCSB 2018 - 2019 School Year Calendar has been approved by the Ministry of Education! Mark your calendars now with all the important dates for next year.

Coming Up:
October 2nd - Terry Fox Run for 7&8 students
October 5th - PD day - Christian Community Day for Staff
October 8th - PD day - Thanksgiving