Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Student Grade Level Assemblies regarding Opioid use
As part of our ongoing effort to share information from Ottawa Public Health, the Ottawa Police Service and our partnership with Rideauwood Addictions Services, we delivered grade level assemblies to our students this past week. Jessica Whelan, our Rideauwood Counsellor and Const. Cindy Cybulski, our School Resource Officer collaborated with our student services counsellors on the presentations that outlined important information, as well as clarifying the roles that each of these individuals play. The presentations highlighted awareness around illicit opioid and fentanyl use, warning signs of those who may be using, and what to do in emergencies. We will continue to bring up to date information to our students, parents and staff.
Event for Parents regarding Cyberbullying
The Ottawa Bullying Prevention Coalition in partnership with Ottawa Public Health and Ottawa Police Service will be hosting an event for parents on cyberbullying . The event will bring together key partners across sectors including mental health experts, police and research to facilitate a conversion on cyberbullying and building a more supportive and safe community for all those impacted. The session will take place on Thursday, March 30th, from 6:30pm to 9:00 pm at Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe, Ottawa ON
Our Target Audience: Parents and caregivers
Evening Program Time:
6:00-6:30 pm: Agency Fair Setup
6:30-7:00 pm: Registration / Service Fair Booths
7:00-8:00 pm: Speaker: Dr Hazen Gandy CHEO
8:00-8:30pm: Speaker: OTTAWA POLICE SERVICE, Cst Cindy Cybulski and Cst Geneviève Hupé
8:30-9:00pm: Question Period /Service Fair Booths
Registration is limited, please have parents register using Event Brite at:
All Saints Student - Provincial Champ!
CTV’s Amazing Kids Series
Consider nominating a student for CTV’s Amazing Kids Series. You can access the website here. Watch a video of All Saints’ own Ryan Rodrigs, an Amazing Kid winner at the following link. 
Summer School Program - July 2017
Information is now available regarding the OCSB summer school program for this July. For parents of students in grades 6, 7 or 8:
The Numeracy/Literacy Skills Development Program offers a spectacular opportunity for struggling learners currently in grades 6, 7 or 8.
Please see information regarding the Numeracy/Literacy program or the schedule for credit courses at the link below:
There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions. You can visit the website here.
Check out our blog – allsaintschs . blogspot . ca and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website ash. ocsb . ca for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
March 31st: Grade 10 Ontario Secondary Student Literacy Test