Sunday, 30 October 2016

All Saints Blog Week of October 31st, 2016

Some very exciting opportunities for our school community regarding technology purchases through Best Buy, and a chance to buy Ottawa Senators Hockey tickets at a discount while supporting your All Saints School council.

Best Buy Technology Specials for All Saints Parents and Students
At our “Meet the Staff” afternoon earlier in the year, I explained that All Saints was developing a partnership with Best Buy to provide technological devices (chromebooks, laptops, and other devices) at a discount to our school community.  To be most effective in today’s learning environments, students benefit significantly from access to technology at school and home, as technology is a vital tool for their learning and productivity. The school board invests heavily to support access to technology for students and staff across our schools. Devices are made available to students in our school; however, we have received many requests from students and parents asking for advice on what device they should purchase if they wish to bring their own device to school.
We have established an optional purchase program with Best Buy for those who are interested in purchasing their own device.  Parents and students may purchase any brand of device from any company as all devices will work on school network. Some of these devices are exclusive to our Best Buy partnership and not available to others through Best Buy.
The technologies listed on the Best Buy portal are only recommendations. Best Buy is offering discounts on protection plans and other supplies and peripherals, but parents may choose to purchase from any vendor.  As you will see on the Portal, we are recommending Chromebooks as a simple, safe, efficient and cost effective device. We also help equip these with Board purchased software through the student Google accounts and the use of the student portal.  You can access the letter home describing the program in greater detail here.
You can access the information/instruction poster here.  Please contact the school if you have any questions.

Ottawa Senators Ticket Discount for All Saints Families
Again this year, All Saints has partnered with the Ottawa Senators Hockey Team to provide discounted tickets to a number of games this season.  The All Saints School Council directly benefits from all purchases, and money raised goes back to supporting initiatives at the school level.  When purchasing tickets, families are able to choose from 5 different games, with 8 different price points for seats.  We will be launching our fundraiser at the All Saints Craft Fair on November 5th, however, families will have an opportunity to purchase tickets until the end of November.

Careers Awareness Week
October 31st to November 4th is Careers Awareness week throughout our school board, and we will be observing some special opportunities at All Saints this week:
Monday October 31st - Student Survey about careers in homeroom
Tuesday November 1st - Grade 12 students to Algonquin College Open House day
Wednesday November 2nd -
  • Take Your Kid To Work Day
  • Laura King from The Ontario College of Trades presentation to the Gr. ⅞ classes
Thursday November 3rd - Skills Work, Skills Play-Apprenticeship Game (in the cafeteria at lunch)
Friday November 4th - Skills Ontario Presentation in the Learning Commons

9th Annual Richcraft Kanata Race Day - June 11th
Councillor Wilkinson & the Kanata Race Day Committee are inviting the Kanata North community and surrounding area to participtate in the upcoming 9th Annual Richcraft Kanata Race Day.

At this time, details include the following:
Event: 9th Annual Richcraft Kanata Race Day
Date: Sunday, June 11, 2017
Time: 8:30am
Location: Richcraft Recreation Complex-Kanata, 4101 Innovation Drive.

For Parents and Guardians:
Intro to Self-Regulation - Stress Behaviour versus Misbehaviour
Dr. Stuart Shanker will look at why children and youth are so overstressed today, with particular attention to the nature of hidden stressors and the distinction between misbehaviour and stress behaviour. He will look at explaining the 5 steps of self-regulation, not just in a way for parents to apply these with their children, but also for themselves.

Thursday, November 3, 2016
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
Saint Paul Catholic High School
2675 Draper Ave, Ottawa

Boot Camp for School Councils offers a fun opportunity for parents and school council members to come together and learn more about the role of school councils, share best practices, ask questions and to network with other council members. Everyone is most welcome to attend!

Monday, November 7, 2016
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
Thomas Darcy McGee Catholic School
635 La Vérendrye Dr, Gloucester

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
November 5th: All Saints Annual Craft Fair
November 10th: 7&8 parent-teacher interviews

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Difficulty with Online Literacy Test

All grade 10 students across the province originally had an opportunity to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test this morning.  This was the Educational Quality and Accountability Office’s (EQAO) attempt to move the test to an online format.  Unfortunately, after waiting for 90 minutes, we were not able to access the test at All Saints, and we had to cancel the opportunity.  EQAO identified that this was a technical difficulty at their end - the internet and bandwidth access at All Saints was not the problem.  We understand that this was the result at many other schools across the province.  I appreciate the work of the staff who prepared for our various testing environments and readied our students and technical resources.  I personally got around to each of our classes where students were writing, and apologized for the inconvenience as I thanked them for their patience.  I reminded students that we will have another opportunity to fulfill the literacy test requirement on March 30th, 2017

Sunday, 16 October 2016

All Saints Blog Week of October 17th, 2016

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Grade 10 students will be writing the online OSSLT literacy test this Thursday, October 20th.  All Saints staff have been working on preparation activities for several weeks.  Parents are encouraged to review the information on the Ministry website with their students ahead of the test.

Grades 9-12 Letters of progress / Parent-Teacher Interviews
Letters of concern for students in grades 9-12 were sent out as part of a message this past Friday from school.  Unfortunately, there was an issue where teacher names were left off the final version.  This has been corrected, and new letters outlining the name of the teacher will be delivered this Monday.  
All Saints wishes to remind parents of high school students that parent/teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday, October 19th. There will be an early dismissal at 1:30 pm that day for all students grades 7-12. The times for interviews are 2 pm to 4 pm and again 5 pm until 7 pm.
Booking interviews will be done on-line through the You Can Book Me program. The link can be accessed on our website as well as here: Parents/guardians are reminded that if they are unable to schedule an interview with a particular teacher, they are welcome to contact the teacher at the school to have a telephone discussion.  
Please note interviews are 10 minutes in length and parents are asked to request a maximum of one interview slot per teacher. Report card distribution will be on November 11th at the end of the school day.
For Parents and Guardians:
Intro to Self-Regulation - Stress Behaviour versus Misbehaviour
Dr. Stuart Shanker will look at why children and youth are so overstressed today, with particular attention to the nature of hidden stressors and the distinction between misbehaviour and stress behaviour. He will look at explaining the 5 steps of self-regulation, not just in a way for parents to apply these with their children, but also for themselves.

Thursday, November 3, 2016
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
Saint Paul Catholic High School
2675 Draper Ave, Ottawa

Boot Camp for School Councils offers a fun opportunity for parents and school council members to come together and learn more about the role of school councils, share best practices, ask questions and to network with other council members. Everyone is most welcome to attend!

Monday, November 7, 2016
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
Thomas Darcy McGee Catholic School
635 La Vérendrye Dr, Gloucester

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
October 17th (7:00pm): School council meeting in the learning commons
October 19th: 9-12 parent-teacher interviews

Monday, 10 October 2016

All Saints Blog Week of October 11th, 2016

Eva Olsson Presentation
This week, grade 7, 8 and 9 students had the opportunity to hear a presentation by Eva Olsson.  She is a survivor of the Holocaust who has dedicated her life to communicating a message of joy, hope and racial acceptance to young people of today's generation.  The focus of her talk is about the effects of bullying and the importance of not being  bystander to injustice.   

High School Dance
A big congratulations to our senior student council for organizing a very well attended dance last Wednesday evening.  The students chose the theme of “homecoming” in keeping with the spirit week they had developed the week before.  The atrium and gym were decorated beautifully, and the students had a great opportunity to socialize and dance the night away!  A special thank you to our students in grades 11 and 12 who came out in big numbers to support the evening.  Thanks to our many staff who volunteered to supervise for the night.

Math Homework Help
Homework Help is a valuable math resource for students in grades 7 to 10, as it allows them to access live, anonymous tutor chat sessions with certified Ontario teachers. In these sessions, the tutors will guide students to solve math questions after school hours. The live Homework Help chat room service is available for students from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM Sundays to Thursdays.
For Parents and Guardians:
Intro to Self-Regulation - Stress Behaviour versus Misbehaviour
Dr. Stuart Shanker will look at why children and youth are so overstressed today, with particular attention to the nature of hidden stressors and the distinction between misbehaviour and stress behaviour. He will look at explaining the 5 steps of self-regulation, not just in a way for parents to apply these with their children, but also for themselves.

Thursday, November 3, 2016
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
Saint Paul Catholic High School
2675 Draper Ave, Ottawa

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
October 14th : Letters of Concern sent home for students in grades 9-12 requiring additional support

Sunday, 2 October 2016

All Saints Blog Week of October 3rd, 2016

New All Saints School Council for 2016-2017
All Saints School Council met this past week and elected the new Council for the 2016-2017 school year.  Thank you to the following individuals who put forth their names as members:
Chairperson: Laurie Chatigny
Vice-Chairperson: Cathy Stone-Brooks
Secretary: Cathy Deogrades
Treasurer: Trudy Rink
CSPA representative: Helen Tremblay
Parish representative: Carolyn Crummer
Communications representative: O’Neil Brooke
Parent representatives: Juanita Balaraj, Kelly Filoso, Sukh Kaur, Cindy Lee, Cathy Motz, Kelly Roper
Teacher representative: Erin Stokes
You are welcome to check out the School Council section of our School Website.

Terry Fox Run
On Monday of last week, all students and staff at All Saints High School participated in our Terry Fox Run.  Students did a circuit around the school community, bringing awareness to this worthy initiative.  Students have been raising money for the cause for a week now, and individuals are still able to donate online or through their homeroom teachers until Tuesday, October 4th.

Welcome Masses at All Saints
Last week, Fathers Virgil and Daryold joined us to open our school year with Masses for all students and staff.  The themes for the Masses were based around our Board Spiritual Theme: Sent to Be the Good News.  Students were encouraged to make this year an opportunity to share with others and to get involved.  We appreciate the company of Father Virgil and Father Daryold, and appreciate the team of staff and students who worked to put the Masses together.  A special thank you to Vito Michienzi who handled the organizing

Christian Community Day
This Friday, October 7th, the entire staff at the Ottawa Catholic School Board comes together to celebrate Christian Community Day.  This is an opportunity to set academic and spiritual direction for the school year.  Friday is a Professional Development day in all OCSB schools.
Student Council Dance
This Wednesday, October 5th, our student council is organizing a dance for students in grades 9-12 (6:30 to 9:30 pm).  Congratulations as well to our 7-12 student council for organizing a spirited activity week last week (check out our Twitter feed for theme pictures!).

Math Homework Help
Homework Help is a valuable math resource for students in grades 7 to 10, as it allows them to access live, anonymous tutor chat sessions with certified Ontario teachers. In these sessions, the tutors will guide students to solve math questions after school hours. The live Homework Help chat room service is available for students from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM Sundays to Thursdays.

Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS (Mr. Kelly’s - @seankellyottawa) as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!

Coming Up:
Monday, October 10th : Thanksgiving
Thursday, October 13th : Letters of Concern sent home for students in grades 9-12 requiring additional support