School Council Meeting / PD Day
A reminder that we will be hosting a school council meeting this Monday, April 11th at 7:00 in our school learning commons. You can find a link to the proposed agenda here. A reminder that this Friday, April 15th is a pd day. There is no school for students. Staff is working on our school innovation plan with training around health and safety.
Grade 7 Curling Team Tournament
Congratulations to a group of our grade 7 boys who were participating in the Timbits Elementary Curling Championships this past weekend in Gananoque. The boys played really well but lost in the bronze medal game. Quite an amazing accomplishment - finishing 4th out a total of 56 teams at provincials. They were one of the youngest teams in terms of experience and they really represented All Saints well in terms of play, sportsmanship and behaviour. Thanks to Mr. Trahan who coached and supervised the group.
All Saints - Doors of Mercy
On March 13, 2015, Pope Francis declared an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. The year began on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Symbolic to a Jubilee Year, we celebrate Holy Doors and a symbolic act of pilgrimage is to walk through the Holy Doors. Catholic school boards across Ontario will celebrate and live out this year of mercy in many ways. Each diocese will have events to mark this historic moment in our church. Our own Catholic Education Week (May 2nd to 6th) is called ‘Opening Doors of Mercy’. To observe this very special religious observation, the doors to All Saint’s chapel have been transformed into our own “Holy Doors of Mercy”. We will be highlighting our doors when our grade 6 students visit for transition activities later this spring. A huge thank you to Mr. Mastersmith’s grade 11 class for their artistic renditions.
Community Recognition Award Ceremony
Councillor Wilkinson’s Community Recognition Award Ceremony is fast approaching, taking place on Sunday May 1st, 2016 from 7:00-9:00pm at the Mlacak Centre. The purpose of the ceremony is to recognize key individuals who have positively impacted the Kanata North Community through their volunteer efforts and contributions.
Four awards are given out at the ceremony under the following categories:
If you know of anyone who has done a lot of volunteer work in the last year and should be recognized for their efforts please complete the nomination form at the website below. Additionally, feel free to pass along this e-mail to anyone who may be able to nominate a teacher, student or anyone else who volunteers within your school and makes All Saints Catholic High School a better place.
Additional details about the event and the process to nominate an individual can be found at or by calling 613-580-2474. The deadline for nominations is April 22, 2016.
All Saints Vocal Class at Kiwanis Festival (submitted by Grace Davidson)
If you take a little stroll down to room A102, you'll find much more than just a normal classroom. The high school music room is home to many classes including guitar class, vocal class, show choir, concert band, jazz band, and R&B band. Thanks to Ms. Van Zeeland and Ms. Little, these music classes/group have been very successful in all that they do! 
This past Monday, April 4th, the All Saints vocal class took part in the Kiwanis Festival where they showcased their recent choral works, “Road to Freedom” and “Alleluia, Alleluia.” There, adjudicator Dr. Elroy Friesen gave the group many helpful tips including new ways to achieve a blended tone; something all good choirs strive for. He also offered up some man-to-man training for our lone baritone, which Ms. V is very grateful for.
Having another opinion as well as constructive criticism from someone who is well known in the choral community was extremely beneficial to students, and they are implementing the new techniques into their daily rehearsals. The vocal class left Kiwanis with a first place place award and a mark of 85! Ms. V is very proud of her students and the hard work and dedication they showed through the entire process.
Trips like this give music students opportunity to bond with each other in a way that’s different than most other classes. It's hardly possible to stay quiet on the bus as there is always the temptation to sing all the way there; I’m sure the bus driver didn't mind!
You really get to know each other when you're in a group like this vocal class. Music can be a very personal thing, and sharing with others can be scary sometimes. The positivity and support the kids show to each other is greatly influenced by their teacher, Ms. V, who has always taught them to be kind, positive, and confident. The atmosphere is one that most, if not all, students can't wait to come into every morning.
Sessions for Parents:
(Rescheduled following inclement weather March 1)
Every year, Ontario students in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 10 write province-wide tests. These assessments provide an objective indication of how well students are developing the reading, writing and math skills defined in the Ontario Curriculum.
This presentation delivered by Mike Young, a principal from EQAO’s School Support and Outreach team, will give parents an opportunity to gain an understanding of the EQAO assessments.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
6:45 - 8:45 PM
Saint Joseph Catholic High School
3333 Greenbank Road, Barrhaven
Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services and the Ottawa Catholic School Board have worked in partnership for many years. Find out how the School Based Program provides support to students, and their families, throughout the phases of youth substance use, from prevention to intervention.
Learn signs and symptoms to be aware of and how to access help when needed.
Presenters: Liz Parsons & Nadine McLean, Co-managers, Youth, Parent and School Based Program at Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
Sacred Heart Catholic High School
5870 Abbott St E, Stittsville
CSPA Math 4 Parents - Wednesday, April 20 at All Saints High School (7 - 8:45pm). Learn more about how math is taught today in classrooms and how you can support your child's learning. Two workshops will be offered on this evening at the same time. Choose from Inquiry-based Mathematics in the Elementary Classroom (JK - Gr. 6) OR So Much Homework, So Little Time. Why is High School Math So Difficult? (Gr. 7 - 12)
Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!