Career Week @ All Saints
We observed Career Week last week in all of our Ottawa Catholic Schools. All Saints took a strong lead, offering a number of different activities throughout the period. We organized a “Specialist High Skills Major” and Focus Program awareness morning on Monday, allowing our students to explore these specialized programs and ask questions directly of the teachers. On Wednesday, all of our grade 9 students participated in our “Take your Kids to Work” day, allowing them to check out various occupations in the community. On Thursday, we hosted a robust Career Fair, bringing post-secondary institutions together with employers in the Ottawa region to offer information to students. Students were challenged to complete a career fair passport that allowed them to reflect on some of the academic and work opportunities of which they could take advantage. Big thanks to Ms. Muldoon, who organized this week and invited other schools from the board to visit.
2014-2015 Awards Ceremony
Thank you to all of the parents and guardians who were able to join us for our grade 10-12 awards ceremony on November 3rd. It was an overwhelming experience to see the multitudes of students, including over 300 honour roll recipients, who had made academic success a priority. In my opening address, I spoke of the importance of this gift of strong academic effort, and how we can trace back its origins to the encouragement of our families. Special congratulations go to our top average winners and subject award recipients. You make us very proud to work collaboratively with you in your academic pursuits. Special thanks to Ms. Wilson, who did a fantastic job organizing our student data and preparing the ceremony as well.
Grade 7&8 Computer Coding Experience
As part of our focus on technology supporting the curriculum and learning, our grade 7&8 students were involved in a computer coding experience this past week. One of our students, Rhiannon Hendley, shares her experience below:
Learning computer science was a wonderful and useful experience for all students. I have had some experience using Scratch, but thanks to Google CS First, I now feel that I understand the language of code. This week of coding was very fun, and a great way of getting deeper into computer science. Learning code is like learning to read a different language. I think that everyone should learn to code. I’d really like to create an app for the app store and I feel I have the some of the knowledge to do it. As Steve Jobs said, “Everyone should know how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”
All Saints Craft Fair
The All Saints Craft Fair took place this past weekend and hosted more than 130 tables of crafts, goodies and other gift items. It was a one stop shopping event for the many who came out to visit. Many thanks to the All Saints students who helped with set up and organization, and to our own Office Administrator Patti Koeslag who managed the event. The proceeds generously go to assist with the All Saints Christmas Hampers, “Grands and Friends” which supports Grandmothers in African nations as well as one of our own inner city schools. Thank you to all for giving of your time in supporting this initiative.
Dominican Experience - Live and Silent Auction Wine & Cheese
All Saints Catholic High School has been running a Dominican Experience program for students since 2009. Through fundraising, we opened a small school there in 2013 to provide early learning for Haitians in the country who are not entitled to government sponsored education. All Saints pays the salaries of two teachers and buys uniforms and supplies for the children who attend. On Friday, November 20th at 6:30 pm they are hosting a Live and Silent Auction Wine & Cheese at the school in support of this cause. Signed jerseys, hockey tickets, spa packages, and gift baskets are among the items to be bid on. All are welcome!
Elementary School Winter Clothing Drive
Cette année, la classe d’immersion de Religion de 9e année ramasse des tuques et des mitaines usagés pour l'école St. Elizabeth. La récolte aura lieu du lundi 9 Novembre au vendredi, le 20 Novembre. Les articles peuvent être déposés dans l'Atrium avant la cloche de 8h20. Pour démontrer notre appréciation, l'étudiant qui apporte le plus grand nombre d'articles, recevra 2 billets au cinéma. Merci d'avance pour votre effort d'amener de la chaleur aux mains et aux cœurs de plusieurs dans notre communauté.
English Translation: This year, the Grade 9 Immersion French Religion Class will be collecting gently-used hats and mitts for our sister-school St. Elizabeth. The drive will take place from Monday, November 9 to Friday, November 20. Items can be dropped off in the Atrium before the 8:20 bell. To demonstrate our appreciation, the student who brings in the most items, will receive 2 movie tickets. Thank you in advance for bringing warmth to the hands and hearts of many in our community.
Help Your Child Succeed in School Session
CSPA and the International Languages program present: How to Help Your Child Succeed in School, with keynote speaker, Jacqui Strachan from People for Education.
Come learn more about how to help your children be successful in school, how the education system works, and the role of school councils.
Saturday, November 14, 2015 9:30 —11:30 AM
Saint George Catholic School 130 Keyworth Ave, Ottawa
Grade 10 Literacy Support Course
Grade 10 students will be writing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) on
Thurs. March 31, 2016. A successful outcome is a graduation requirement. In order to prepare students we are offering an after school program. This program will run Monday and Wednesdays beginning Mon. Nov.23, 2015 - Wed. Mar. 23, 2016 for a total of 20 sessions. All grade 10 students received an invitation letter to the course, however, if you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the school.
7&8 Report Card Distribution and Parent-Teacher Interviews
Our grade 7&8 progress reports were distributed on Thursday, November 5th, and our parent-teacher interview date has changed. Grade 7&8 parent-teacher interviews will take place on Thursday, November 19th (they were originally scheduled for November 12th). There will be an early dismissal at 1:30 pm on November 19th for all students grades 7-12. The times for interviews are 2:00 to 4:00 and again from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.
Booking interviews will be done online through the You Can Book Me program. The link is on our website as well as here: The link on our website will become active at 5:00 pm on Monday November 9th. Please note interviews are 10 minutes in length and parents are asked to request a maximum of one interview slot per teacher (even if the teacher teaches your child more than one subject). Progress Reports were sent home Thursday, November 5th.
Check out our blog – and our twitter @AllSaintsCHS as well as our website for all that is happening at All Saints!
Coming Up:
November 9th: (7:00pm) School Council meeting
November 13th: High School report card distribution
November 19th: Grade 7&8 parent-teacher interviews